Preparation of Rift Valley Fever Contingency Plans

FAO Animal Health Manual No. 15

By William A. Geering and F. Glyn Davies with additions by Vincent Martin
Published by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome 2002

Copyright 2002
ISBN: 92-5-104821-5

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Acronyms and abbreviations


Chapter 1: Suggested format and contents of a national Rift Valley fever contingency plan
Nature of the Disease
Risk Analysis for RVF
Prevention Strategies
Early Warning Contingency Plan
Strategies for Control and Eradication of RVF
Organizational Arrangements for RVF Emergencies
Support Plans
Action Plans

Chapter 2: Nature of the disease
World Distribution
Epidemiological Features
Clinical Signs

Chapter 3: Risk analysis for Rift Valley fever
Principles of Risk Analysis
Who Should Carry Out the Risk Analyses?
Risk Assessment for RVF
The Value of Risk Assessment for RVF

Chapter 4: Prevention Strategies for Rift Valley fever
Prevention Strategies for countries in Africa
Prevention Strategies for countries in the Middle East
Prevention Strategies for countries in other regions

Chapter 5: Early warning contingency planning for Rift Valley fever
Training of Veterinary and other Animal Health Staff in Early Recognition of RVF and Collection and Dispatch of Diagnostic Specimens
Livestock Farmer and Trader Awareness/Education Programmes
Specialist Diagnostic Team
Laboratory Diagnostic Capabilities
International Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres
Forecasting Systems for RVF
RVF Serological and Clinical Surveillance Programmes

Chapter 6: Early reaction contingency planning for a Rift Valley fever emergency
Disease Control Strategies to be used when RVF Outbreaks are Expected
Disease Control Strategies to be used after RVF has been confirmed
International Collaboration

Chapter 7: Organizational arrangements during a Rift Valley fever emergency
Coordination Between National Animal and Human Health Authorities
Responsibilities and Command Structures
Consultative Committee on Emergency Animal Diseases (CCEAD)
National Animal Disease Control Centre
Local Animal Disease Control Centres

Chapter 8: Support plans
Financial Plan
Resource Plan

Chapter 9: Action plan
Investigation Phase
Alert Phase
Operational Phase
Stand-Down Phase

Chapter 10: Training, and testing and revision of contingency plans
Simulation Exercises
The Need for Regular Updating of RVF Contingency Plans

Appendix 1
International Rift Valley fever reference experts and laboratories
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
OIE Reference Laboratory for RVF

Appendix 2
Rift Valley fever vaccine sources