Innovations in food labelling

Innovations in food labelling

Edited by
Janice Albert

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Woodhead Publishing Limited


Increasingly consumers desire information about their health, safety, environmental and socioeconomic characteristic of food products. Therefore consumers must use food labels to select products that meet their needs and preferences. The growing consumer and industry interest in food labels presents challenges for governments, which must ensure that the product information is accurate, truthful and not misleading to consumers. Governments must decide whether provision of information should be mandatory or voluntary. With the increase of global trade in food, there is a need to harmonize food labels so that product information is understood and relevant to foreign markets.

Innovation in food labelling provides information about the principles and requirements of food labelling and reviews the latest trends in this important area. Following an introduction on the evolution of food labelling, further chapters cover the Codex Alimentarius and food labelling, international trade agreements, nutrition labelling, allergies and food labels and environmental and social labels, among other topics. Innovation in food labelling will be an essential reference for food regulatory agencies, food law experts and professionals in the food industry responsible for labelling as well as consumers and environmental associations with an interest in labelling.

Janice Albert is a Nutrition Officer in the Nutrition Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, with which this book is copublished.

Table of Contents



1. Introduction to innovations in food labelling
Janice Albert, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy


2. The Codex Alimentarius and Food Labelling: delivering consumer protection
Alan W. Randell, former Secretary of the Codex Alimentarius
Commission, Italy


3. International legal frameworks for food labelling and consumer rights
Margret Vidar, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy


4. Government and voluntary policies on nutrition labelling: a global overview
Corinna Hawkes, Independent Consultant, Food and Nutrition Policy, France


5. Labelling of allergenic foods of concern in Europe
Sue Hattersley and Chun-Han Chan, Food Standards Agency, United Kingdom


6. Organic food labels: history and latest trends
Antonio Compagnoni, Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification (ICEA), Italy


7. FAO’s ecolabelling guidelines for marine capture fisheries: an international standard
Rolf Willmann, Kevern Cochrane and William Emerson, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy


8. Voluntary environmental and social labels in the food sector
Pascal Liu, Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO), Italy


9. Geographic origin and identification labels: associating food quality with location
Emilie Vandecandelaere, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy


10. New technologies and food labelling: the controversy over labelling of foods derived from genetically modified crops
Janice Albert, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy




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ISBN: 978-92-5-106180-0 (print)
E-ISBN: 978-92-5-107768-9 (PDF)

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