Preparation and use of food-based dietary guidelines
Report of a joint FAO/WHO consultation Nicosia, Cyprus
Distribution: Limited
English only
World Health Organization
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Nutrition Programme
WHO Geneva
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Chapter two - Scientific considerations in the development of food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG)
2.2 Scientific areas relevant to the development of food-based dietary guidelines
2.2.1 Nutrition science: physiology and pathophysiology related to food components.
2.2.2 Food science and technology
2.3 Scientific evidence for the relationship between food, nutrients and health
2.4 Nutritional quality of dietary patterns
2.4.3 Nutrient requirements and recommendations
2.4.4 Use of nutrient densities in establishing and evaluating dietary guidelines
2.5 Reorientation from nutrients to foods in setting food-based dietary guidelines
Chapter three - Methods of monitoring food and nutrient intake
3.2 Methods of assessing dietary intake
3.3 Selecting the most appropriate dietary data collection method
3.4 Rapid methods for collection of dietary data
3.5 Conversion of food intakes to nutrients
3.7 Approaches to monitoring the effectiveness of established guidelines
Chapter four - Development and implementation of food-based dietary guidelines
Annex one - List of participants
Annex three - The scientific basis for diet, nutrition and health relationships
4. Scientific areas relevant to the development of food-based dietary guidelines
Annex four - Examples of foods in current sets of dietary guidelines and food guides(1)