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Post-Harvest: How to Get Information on Post-Harvest in The Internet Jungle

By François Mazaud - Post-Harvest Management Service, FAO


Since 1990, FAO Senior Officer in Post-Harvest Management Service, in charge of the storage and post-harvest group. Coordinator of the Special Programme for the prevention of food losses (PFL), Senior Officer in charge of the Post Harvest management Group (AGSI).

François Mazaud graduated in Agriculture (Ecole Nationale de Meunerie et des Industries des Céréales, Diplôme d'ingénieur d'État en industries des céréales, Paris, France) and in Marketing (Université d'Aix-en-Provence, France)


15 to 20% of grain grown worldwide is lost before it is consumed. Improving post-harvest operations would allow to feed millions more people. Therefore, international organizations working in the area of post-harvest systems have expressed the need to establish a Reference and Facilitating Secretariat through which information and experiences could be retrieved and channelled for wider circulation. This was the starting point of INPhO (Information Network on Post-Harvest Operations). Nowadays, INPhO is composed of more than 30,000 files. Secretariat is established at the FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy.

FAO website covers all the production line, from the harvest up to the cooking recipes from all over the world!

By connecting to INPhO, broadcasters can consult the virtual library, INPhO link data base, the Who's Who in Post-harvest, as well as the monthly INPhO newsletter. The post-harvest website appears to be friendly, exhaustive and interactive.

Information is available at http://inpho_web/no_indeex/pres_eng/def_l.htm., as well as on CD-ROMs.


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