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The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2000 was prepared by FAO Fisheries Department staff, led by a team comprising U. Wijkstrom, A. Gumy and R. Grainger. General direction was provided by the department's management staff, including: L. Ababouch; J. Csirke; S.M. Garcia; J. Jiansan; Z. Karnicki; I. Nomura; B. Satia; J. Valdemarsen; and G. Valdimarsson.

The preparation of Part 1, World review of fisheries and aquaculture, was the overall editorial responsibility of P. Medley and R. Grainger, who coordinated the contributions made by R. Grainger (production, capture fisheries); J. Csirke (resources); P. Medley (ecosystems, management); I. Orzsesko (management information); A. Smith (fishing vessels); J. Valdemarsen (fishing technology); R. Subasinghe (aquaculture); D.M. Bartley (inland fisheries); A. Crispoldi (consumption); and S. Vannuccini (trade).

Contributors to Part 2, Selected issues facing fishers and aquaculturists, included: J. Turner (fishers' safety); H.M. Lupin (fish quality and safety); R. Metzner, who is with Fisheries Western Australia (property rights and fisheries management); D. Doulman (illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing); S.M. Garcia (indicators of sustainable development and the precautionary approach in marine capture fisheries); P. Medley (monitoring the impact of fishing on the marine ecosystems); D.M. Bartley (genetically modified organisms and fisheries); and R. Willman (ecolabelling in fisheries management).

Contributors to Part 3, Highlights of special FAO studies, included: J.R. McGoodwin (understanding the cultures of fishing communities: a key to fisheries management and food security); U. Tietze (economic viability of marine capture fisheries); and S. Garcia and J. de Leiva Moreno (trends in world fisheries and their resources).

Part 4, Outlook, was written by U. Wijkstrom.

Part 5, Fisheries activities of country groupings, was written by A. Gumy.

Several other staff members as well as non-FAO authors have contributed texts on specific issues, and they are cited in the relevant boxes throughout the publication. Information of relevance for all five parts has been provided by FAO staff in the Regional and Subregional Offices.

The Editorial Group of the FAO Information Division was responsible for the editing, design and production of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2000.

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