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BOBP. 1985. Marine Small-scale Fisheries of Bangladesh: A General Description. FAO/Bay of Bengal, Madras, India.

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EPB. 1995. Annual Report 1994-95. Export Promotion Bureau, Ministry of Commerce, Government of Bangladesh.

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MFL. 1994. Report on the site selection of Bagda shrimp hatchery zones and semi intensive Bagda shrimp farming areas. Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock, Government of Bangladesh.

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Planning Commission. 1996. Revised Annual Development Programme 1995-96. Planning Commission. Government of Bangladesh.

SADP. 1996. Final Report: Shrimp Component. Second Aquaculture Development Project, ADB Loan No. 821-BAN (SF), Department of Fisheries, Government of Bangladesh.

SADP. 1996, Final Report: Carp Component, Second Aquaculture Development Project, ADB Loan No. 821-BAN (SF), Department of Fisheries, Government of Bangladesh.

Sivasubramaniam. 1987. Marine fishery resources of the Bay of Bengal, BOBP/WP/36, RAS/81/051 FAO/Bay of Bengal, Madras, India.

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