Living well with HIV/AIDS A manual on nutritional |
Few crises have affected human health and threatened national, social and economic progress in quite the way that HIV/AIDS has. The pandemic has had a devastating impact on household food security and nutrition through its effects on the availability, stability and access to food and its use for good nutrition.
Meeting immediate food, nutrition and other basic needs is essential if HIV/AIDS-affected households are to live with dignity and security. Providing nutritional care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS is an important part of caring at all stages of the disease. This manual provides home care agents and local service providers with practical recommendations for a healthy and well balanced diet for people living with HIV/AIDS. It deals with common complications that people living with HIV/AIDS are experiencing at different stages of infection and helps provide local solutions that emphasize using local food resources and home-based care and support.
Adapting the manual for local use
Changes nneeded
Some suggestions on how to adapt the manual
Dissemination of the guidelines
Monitoring and evaluation
We eat for many reasons
HIV/AIDS and nutrition
Healthy and balanced nutrition is important for people living with HIV/AIDS
People living with HIV/AIDS have increased nutrient needs
HIV/AIDS affects weight
Gaining weight
Increase vitamin and mineral intake
Micronutrient supplementation - which, how much and when?
Lack of appetite
Nausea and vomiting
Sore mouth or when eating is painful
Other digestive problems
Changes in the taste of foods
Skin problems
Colds, coughs and influenza
Taking care of yourself - advice for the person with HIV/AIDS
Caring for a person with HIV/AIDS
Recommendations for carers
1. Recipes and food for a healthy diet
2. Form to monitor food intake over one week
3. Important vitamins and minerals for people living with HIV/AIDS
4. Form to monitor weight changes over time
5. Institutions and organizations providing support to people living with HIV/AIDS
6. Bibliography and sources
7. Glossary
Summary sheet 1- Healthy and balanced nutrition for growth, work and play
Summary sheet 2 - Maintaining weight
Summary sheet 3 - Food safety and hygiene
Summary sheet 4 - Diarrhoea
Summary sheet 5 - When you are not hungry ... the best way to regain your appetite is to eat
Summary sheet 6 - Nausea and vomiting
Summary sheet 7 - Sore mouth or throat or when eating is painful
Summary sheet 8 - Colds, coughs, sore throat and fever
Summary sheet 9 - Look after yourself
Summary sheet 10 - Caring for someone with HIV/AIDS
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