FAO Regional Office for Africa
The Role of South-South and Triangular Collaboration in Accelerating Progress towards Zero Hunger, No Poverty and Reduced Inequalities in Africa    The virtual event aims to bring together national governments, UN agencies, and other key stakeholders to discuss the good practices, success stories, challenges and the way forward for South-South and Triangular Collaboration...
Download this publication on DVI in Africa.   Background Despite their cardinal importance for food security and national development, rural areas remain characterised by poor social, economic and technological infrastructure as well as limited opportunities. As Africa is striving to achieve the UN SDGs and its 2063 Development Agenda, it needs to concentrate...
FAO with the Republic of Uganda, and within the context of the African Network on Fish Technology and Safety (ANFTS), is hosting a regional meeting of professionals and experts in fish safety, technology and marketing in Africa.  The meeting aims to provide a forum for dissemination, discussion and showcasing of...
FAO’s Regional Office for Africa will release a new report on lessons learned and options for climate-smart agriculture investments in Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, and Seychelles. The release will accompany an event coordinated by FAO in Rome, “Transforming agri-food systems: achievements of climate-smart agriculture” highlighting projects from around the world established...
The FAO Regional Office for Africa, with the Republic of Malawi, is hosting a session of the Committee on Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa (CIFAA), in Lilongwe, Malawi and online. It is open to all member countries of the Committee, Specialized Agencies and Observers. Notable technical sessions will include the...