Locust Watch


Over the years, FAO has carried out various activities in desert locust early warning and prevention. The Locust Watch provides information on the activities aimed at strengthening the national and regional capacities of the affected countries to monitor, prevent, and manage the Desert Locust.

This is useful in understanding the locust behavior, environmental conditions that can influence locust life cycles, and tested and proven locust control and management practices used in different regions as well as adopting innovative approaches in monitoring and controlling desert locust.  

Desert Locust Information Service (DLIS)

eLocust3m is an app that allows reports, photos and messages to be shared immediately with all other users in the country to better plan survey and control operations.

Earth observation

Monitoring rainfall, vegetation and soil moisture from space


Managing and analysing geo-spatial data

Weather predictions

Using six-month rainfall and temperature predictions to forecast locust developments


Handheld device for locust officers to record survey and control results in the field and transmit them via satellite to their National Locust Centres

Google Earth Engine

Innovative Google technology and free new tools: Google Earth Pro, My Maps, Fusion Tables, and Google Earth Engine, already used by FAO Forestry and being extended for Desert Locust

Early Warning

The basic components that are required for any early warning system to be effective and reliable

Desert Locust Information Service 

The Desert Locust Information Service (DLIS) at FAO Headquarters (Rome, Italy)


FAO's Desert Locust Information Service (DLIS) is engaged with three dozen academic, research, and private sector partners to continually innovate and harness the latest cutting-edge technologies for improving Desert Locust early warning. The goal is to provide more accurate advice and guidance earlier while streamlining procedures and simplifying messaging. A number of new technologies have been integrated into DLIS and the national locust programmes.

Digital tools

eLocust3 suite: real-time data transmission from the field to national locust centres


dLocust: long-range drone for mapping vegetation and detecting locusts


Estimating locust development rates, migration, 3D, and optimal response


EarthRanger: tracking aerial survey and control operation

Environment and human health

Advocacy and operational use of biopesticides in locust control

Safety and environmental precautions

Safety and environmental precautions in locust control

Ultra-low volume spraying

Ultra-low volume (ULV) spraying for locust control

Climate Change

The potential impacts of climate change are under investigation. These pages will be continually updated as new information becomes available.

Locust technical groups
Locusts and Transboundary Plant Pests and Diseases (NSPMD)

The team leads the efforts in developing and implementing mechanisms to mitigate the potential impact of transboundary plant pests and diseases.