Mr Belul Gixhari |
Responsable for Plant Genetic Resources Documentation |
Albanian Gene Bank |
Tirana |
+355 69211225 |
[email protected] |
05/02/2013 |
Mr Salah Chouaki |
Directeur Adjoint |
Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRAA) |
2, Av. des Frères Oudek, Hassen-Badi, 16200 El Harrach |
+213 023828569 |
[email protected] |
19/06/2017 |
Sra. Mariana Jimena Ferreyra |
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). EEA Salta. |
Ruta 68 Km 172 Cerrillos. CP 4403, Salta. |
+54-387- 4902081/87 interno 274 |
[email protected] |
10/06/2024 |
Sra. Ariana Digilio |
Alternate |
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). EEA Balcarce. |
Ruta 226 Km 73,5 (7620), Balcarce, Buenos Aires. |
[email protected] |
10/06/2024 |
Ms Alvina Avagyan |
Senior Researcher |
Scientific Center of Vegetable and Technical Plants, Ministry of Economy |
Yerevan |
[email protected] |
22/05/2024 |
Director |
Multilateral Economic Section, International Organisations and Negotiations Branch |
Australian Government, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |
18 Marcus Clarke Street, GPO Box 858, Canberra ACT 2601 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
12/08/2024 |
Mr Phillip Judex |
Director, International Agriculture and Trade Policy |
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and
Water Management |
Stubenring 12, 1010 Vienna |
+43 1 71100 602955 |
[email protected] |
06/02/2022 |
Ms. Sevinj Mammadova |
Deputy Director, Scientifıc Research lnstitute for Crop Husbandry |
Ministry of Agriculture |
[email protected] |
10/12/2024 |
Mr Md Abdus Salam |
Member Director (Crops) |
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council |
Farmgate, Dhaka-1215 |
+88-02-8110665 |
[email protected] |
05/05/2024 |
Mr Fiodar Pryvalov |
Director General |
Research and
Practical Center for Arable Farming, National Academy of Sciences |
Timiryazev st. 1, 222160 Zhodino, Minsk Region |
+3751797033 |
[email protected] |
31/01/2018 |
Ms Laurence Chateau |
National Focal Point |
Service Public de Wallonie - Agriculture, ressources naturelles et environnement Département du Développement, de la Ruralité, des Cours d'eau et du Bien-être animal, Direction de la qualité et du bien-être animal |
Chaussée de Louvain 14, 5000 Namur |
[email protected] |
26/03/2024 |
Ms Audrey De Coster |
National Focal Point |
Flemish Government Department of Agriculture and Fisheries |
Koning Albert II-laan 35 bus 40, Brussels |
+32 470304388 |
[email protected] |
26/03/2024 |
Mme Iliyath Akankè Bello |
Docteur en gènètique et en sèlection vègètale / Responsable Sous-Programme Recherche Rizicole au Centre de Recherches Agricoles Sud de l'INRAB |
Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du
Bénin (INRAB) |
(00229) 97579013 |
[email protected] |
09/06/2021 |
Ms Asta Maya Tamang |
Head, Plant Genetic Resources Program |
National Biodiversity Center |
P.O Box 875, Thimphu |
[email protected] |
05/07/2024 |
Alternate: Mr. Thukten Sherab |
Biodiversity Officer, PGR Program |
National Biodiversity Center |
P.O Box 875, Thimphu |
[email protected] |
05/07/2024 |
Sr. José R. Campero Marañon, MSc. |
Responsable de la Unidad de Recursos Genéticos |
Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agropecuaria y Forestal |
+591 777 00041 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
12/12/2018 |
Alternate: Sr. Félix Marza Mamani |
Director Nacional de Inovación |
Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agropecuaria y Forestal |
+591 673 46671 |
[email protected] |
12/12/2018 |
Dr. Đurić Gordana |
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka |
+387 51330933 |
[email protected] |
Ms Tiny Mpho Motlhaodi |
Head of National Plant Genetic Resources Centre |
Department of Agricultural Research |
P/bag 0033 Gaborone |
+267 366 8112 |
[email protected] |
09/06/2017 |
Ms Aluana Gonçalves de Abreu |
Plant Germplasm Curatorships Supervisor |
Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology |
Parque Estação Biológica (PqEB), Avenida W5 Norte (final), Brasília-DF |
+55 (61) 3448-4890 |
[email protected] |
01/07/2024 |
Ms Katya Uzundzhalieva |
Director |
Institute for Plant Genetic Resources "K.Malkov" |
Sadovo 2 Druzhba str. 4122, Sadovo city - Bulgaria |
+359 32629926 |
[email protected] |
20/01/2020 |
M. Ouédraogo Mahamadi |
Chef du département banques de gènes phytogénétiques |
Commission Nationale de Gestion des Ressources Phytogénétiques (CONAGREP)/Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation (MESRI) |
01 BP 8645 |
[email protected] |
29/04/2024 |
Ms Nora Helena Ramos Silva |
Instituto Nacional de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Agrário (INIDA) |
CP 84, São Jorge dos Órgãos |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
26/08/2021 |
Ms Sophany Sakhan |
Deputy Director |
Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) |
PO Box 01, National Road N.3, Prateah Lang, Dangkor, Phnom Penn |
+855 12886619; +855 11886619 |
[email protected] |
27/07/2017 |
Mme Gertrude Ngo Bahoya Mbom |
Ingénieur d'Études n.1 |
Service de la Certification des Semences et Plants, Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Dèveloppement Rural |
+ 237 677 58 18 61 |
[email protected] |
25/04/2024 |
Mr Axel Diederichsen |
Curator, Research Scientist, National Plant Germplasm |
Plant Gene Resources of Canada
Science and Technology Branch,
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada |
Room P 104, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 0X2 |
Phone: +1 (306) 385-9465 |
[email protected] |
30/05/2024 |
Mme. Armelle Siopathis |
Directrice de la Sécurité Alimentaire et de la Nutrition |
Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural (MADR) |
+236 75916849 |
[email protected] |
29/04/2024 |
M. Gapili Naoura |
Chargé de Recherche |
Institut Tchadien de Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement |
BP 5400 ITRAD N'Djamena |
+235 66574515 |
[email protected] |
08/02/2021 |
Sra. Teresa Agüero Teare |
Encargada asuntos ambientales, recursos genéticos y bioseguridad |
Oficina de Estudios y Políticas Agrarias - ODEPA, Ministerio de Agricultura |
Teatinos 40, piso 8, Santiago |
+562 23973039 |
[email protected] |
20/02/2024 |
Alterno: Sr. Christian Alfaro Jara |
Subdirector Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo |
Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ministerio Agricultura |
Santiago |
[email protected] |
20/02/2024 |
Ms Sun Wen |
Principal Staff Member, Department of Seed Management |
Ministry of Agriculture |
No.11 Nongzhanguan Nanli, Beijin 100125 |
+86 10 59193186 |
[email protected] |
25/01/2021 |
Sra. Carolina González Almario |
Jefe de Departamento |
Departamento de Agrobiodiversidad de nuestra Corporación de Investigación Agropecuaria-Agrosavia |
[email protected] |
16/07/2020 |
M. Arcadius Léandre Ondzala Madzou |
Cadre |
Direction Générale de l'Agriculture, Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Elevage et de la Pêche |
Brazzaville |
+242 069860160 |
[email protected] |
14/10/2024 |
Mr William Wigmore |
Director of Research |
Ministry of Agriculture |
PO Box 96, Rarotonga |
+682 28711; +682 79306 |
[email protected] |
19/10/2013 |
Sr. Alberto Fallas Barrantes |
Director |
Oficina Nacional de Semillas |
San José |
[email protected] |
02/10/2024 |
Ms Ivana Dugalić |
Croatian Center for Agriculture, Food and Affairs, Institute for Seed Seedlings |
31000 Osijek, Usorska 19, Brijest |
+ 385 31 275 717 |
[email protected] |
04/05/2018 |
Sra. C. Lianne Fernandez Granda |
Jefa del Grupo de Recursos, Fitogenéticos y Mejoramento Vegetal |
Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en la Agricultura Tropical (INIFAT) |
Calle 1, esquina 2, Santiago de las Vegas, Boyeros, La Habana CP17200 |
+537 6830098 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
02/09/2013 |
Mr Angelos Kyratzis |
Agriculture Research Officer A |
Agriculture Research Institute |
P.O.Box 22016, 1516 Nicosia |
+35 722403131 |
[email protected] |
18/04/2024 |
Mr Vojtech Holubec |
Head of Gene Bank, National Coordinator for PGR, Head of National PGR Board, Curator of CWR, Triticeae |
Crop Research Institute |
Drnovska 507/73, 161 06 Prague 6, Ruzyne |
+420 233022497 |
[email protected] |
01/07/2020 |
Mme Aya Modeste Louise Kouakou Akanvou |
Directeur de la Coopération et de l'Appui au Development au Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA) |
Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Developpement Rural |
30 BP 247, Abidjan 30 |
+225 05050958555/ +225 2722489621 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
22/07/2024 |
M. Godefroid Kabala Ilunga |
Direction de Protection des Végétaux, Ministère de l'Agriculture |
[email protected] |
27/02/2024 |
Ms Birgitte Lund |
Scientific Adviser, Department of Environment and Biodiversity |
Ministry of Environment and Food, The Danish Agricultural Agency |
Nyropsgade 30, DK-1780, Copenhagen |
+45 45263760 |
[email protected] |
24/06/2020 |
Sr. Domingo Rengifo |
Investigador Titular |
Instituto Dominicano de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales |
Av. Imbert # 5, La Vega |
+809 2422144; +809 2233505 |
[email protected];[email protected]; [email protected] |
25/10/2013 |
Sr. Cesar Tapia |
Resposable del Departamento Nacional de Recursor Fitogenéticos |
Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) |
Avs. Eloy Alfaro N. 30-350 y Amazonas |
+593 22528650 |
[email protected] |
23/04/2024 |
Ms Neveen Abdel Fattah Hassan |
Director |
National Gene Bank of Egypt |
9 Gamaa St., Giza PO Box 12619 |
+20 1143485555 |
[email protected] |
11/05/2018 |
Ms Linden Lissette Arias |
Ingeniera agricola |
Centro Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria y Forestal "Enrique Álvarez Córdova" (CENTA) |
+503 2497-7206 |
[email protected] |
13/07/2020 |
Mr Amanuel Mahdere Zerezghi |
Director, Genetic Resources Division |
National Agricultural Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture |
PO Box 4627, Asmara |
+291 108600003; +291 07180770 |
[email protected] |
19/09/2013 |
Ms Külli Annamaa |
Head of the Genebank |
Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK) |
J. Aamisepa 1, 48309 Jõgeva |
[email protected] |
16/01/2023 |
Mr Thembinkosi Gumedze |
Senior Research Officer |
Department of Agricultural Research and Specialist Services |
tel. +268 25274071 |
[email protected] |
04/05/2020 |
Mr Tamene Yohannis Gudaye, PhD |
Senior Research Officer |
Ethiopian Institute of Biodiversity |
P.O. Box 30726, Addis Ababa |
[email protected] |
30/04/2024 |
Mr Ropate Senibic iLigairi |
Permanent Secretary for Agriculture |
Ministry of Agriculture |
Private Mail Bag, Raiwaqa, Suva |
+679 3384233 ext. 275 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
30/08/2013 |
Ms Johanna Nykyri |
Senior Specialist, D.Sc. (Agric. and forestry) |
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry |
P.O. Box 30, 00023 Government, Finland |
+358 (0) 295162452 |
[email protected] |
18/09/2023 |
Ms Elina Kiviharju |
Ph.D. Principal Research Scientist, Coordinator of the Finnish National Plant Genetic Resources Programme |
Natural Resources Institute Finland |
Myllytie 1, FIN-31600 Jokioinen |
[email protected] |
18/09/2023 |
Mme. Pétronille Delorme |
Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation |
251, rue de Vaugirard, 75732 Paris Cedex 15 |
[email protected]; [email protected]
29/04/2024 |
Alternate: Mme. Camille Rameau |
Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation |
251, rue de Vaugirard, 75732 Paris Cedex 15 |
[email protected];
[email protected]
29/04/2024 |
Mr Lamin B. Sonko |
Director General |
National Agricultural Research Institute |
[email protected] |
28/07/2020 |
Mr Levan Ujmajuridze |
Director |
Scientific Research Center of Agriculture |
Marshal Gelovani ave #6 Tbilisi 0159 |
+995 322053500 |
[email protected];
[email protected] |
05/08/2019 |
Alternate: Ms Tamar Jinjikhadze |
Head Standardization and Certification Department |
Plant Genetic Resources Center, Scientific Research Center of Agriculture |
+995 593256267 |
[email protected];
[email protected] |
01/02/2019 |
Ms Imke Thormann |
Federal Office of Agriculture and Food |
Deichmanns Aue 29, DE-53179 Bonn |
+49 (0)228 68453438 |
[email protected] |
30/08/2019 |
Mr Daniel Ashie Kotey |
Acting Director |
Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research |
+233 (0) 200 41 9191 |
[email protected] |
29/11/2023 |
Ms Maria Papaefthimiou |
Administrator - Sientific Officer |
Ministry of Rural Development and Food |
Directorate of Spatial Planning, Environment and Climate Change, 207 Patision Avenue, P.O. 11253, Athens, Greece |
+30 2102128179 |
23/04/2019 |
Alternate: Ms Parthenopi Ralli |
Agronomist, MSc, PhD, Senior Researcher; Genebank Manager |
Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DEMETER,
Directorate General of Agricultural Research, Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources |
Thermi-Thessaloniki 57001 |
+30 2310471110 (int. 0 177) |
[email protected] |
09/09/2024 |
Sr. Mauricio Hernández de la Parra |
Jefe Departamento de Biotecnología y Coordinador Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos |
Dirección de Fitozoogenética y Recursos Nativos, Viceministerio de Sanidad Agropecuaria y Regulaciones, Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación |
7ª. Av. 12-90 zona 13 Guatemala, Guatemala, C.A |
+ (502) 2413-7468 |
[email protected] |
30/08/2017 |
M. Mamadou Laho Barry |
Chercheur |
Institut de Recherche Agronomique de Guinée (IRAG) |
+224 628176241; +224 666575745 |
[email protected] |
30/07/2020 |
Mr David Bartholomew Fredericks |
Chief Research Scientist |
National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) |
Agriculture Road, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara 414221H |
+592 6085903 |
[email protected] |
13/04/2021 |
Sra. Elizabeth Santacreo |
Jefe de Unidad de Frutales, Dirección de Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria (DICTA) |
Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG) |
Colonia Loma Linda, Avenida La FAO, Boulevard Centroamérica, Tegucigalpa |
[email protected] |
Ms Borbála Baktay |
Director General |
National Biodiversity and Gene Conservation Center |
[email protected] |
31/07/2019 |
Mr Levente Kőrösi |
Head |
Department of Biodiversity and Gene Conservation, Ministry of Agriculture |
[email protected] |
31/07/2019 |
Mr Shri R. K. Singh |
Joint Secretary (Seeds) to the Government of India |
Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation |
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi 110 001 |
+233 81503; + 9899772227 |
[email protected] |
10/10/2013 |
Mr Arif Surahman |
Head, Center for Standard Testing of Biotechnology Instruments and Agricultural Genetic Resources |
(BBPSI Biogen), Bogor |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
10/12/2024 |
Mr Behzad Sorkhi |
Head, National Plant Gene Bank |
Seed and Plant Improvement Institute (SPII) |
Shahid Fahmideh Bldv., Karaj |
+ 98 2632701260 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
25/04/2024 |
Mr Farqad Mohammed Khadhim Al Dabagh |
Head of Senior Agricultural Engineers |
Seeds Examination and Certification Department, Iraqui Ministry of Agriculture |
+964 7703486225 |
[email protected] |
18/12/2013 |
Mr James Quirke |
Agricultural Inspector, Crop Policy, Evaluation & Certification Division |
Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine |
Backweston Farm, Leixlip, Co. Kildare, W23AE3V |
+353 (0)1 6302906 |
[email protected] |
01/05/2024 |
Mr Ignazio Verde |
Senior researcher |
CREA OFA - Centro di ricerca Olivicoltura, Frutticoultura e Agrumicoltura |
Via Fioranello, 52, Rome 00134 |
+36 06 79348183 |
[email protected] |
03/11/2020 |
Ms Petra Engel |
Technical assistant |
CREA - Ufficio Affari instituzionali e relazioni internazionali |
Via Po 14, Rome 00198 |
+36 06 47836 681 |
[email protected] |
03/11/2020 |
Ms Carla Douglas |
Senior Research Director |
Research and Development Division, Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries |
Bodles Research Station, Old Harbour Saint Catherine |
+876 8650483 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
Mr Hirotaka Ariga |
Assistant Director for Genetic Resources, Research Policy Planning Division |
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan |
1-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8950, Japan |
+81-3-3502-7436 |
[email protected] |
17/04/2024 |
Alternate: Ms Sanae Kishimoto |
Head, International Relations Section, Department of Research Management, Strategic Planning Headquarters |
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization |
3-1-1 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8517, Japan |
+81 29 8386747 |
[email protected] |
17/04/2024 |
Mr Khaled Abulaila |
Director of Plant Biodiversity and Genetic Resources |
National Agricultural Research Center (NARC) |
P.O. Box 639 Baqa'a |
Tel. +962 6 4725071; Mob. +962 2796602987 |
[email protected] |
25/04/2024 |
Mr Desterio Nyamongo |
Director |
Genetic Resources Research Institute,
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) |
P.O. Box 30148 00100
Nairobi Kenya |
+254 20 2519701/ 725 234249 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
14/09/2015 |
Ms Fadila Ayesh Al-Salameen |
Research Scientist |
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) |
[email protected] |
06/10/2015 |
Mr Aydaraliev Taalaibek Alimbekovich |
Director of the Department for Examination of Crops |
Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Land Reclamation |
+0312 544197/0555 210909 |
[email protected] |
19/06/2020 |
Mr Ruņģis Dainis Edgars |
Head of Genetic Resource Centre |
Ministry of Agriculture |
Republikas laukums 2, Rīga, LV-1981 |
+371 28344201 |
[email protected] |
23/03/2015 |
Mr Ali Chehade |
Research Engineer, Plant Biotechnology Department |
Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute |
Tal Amara Rayak, Zahle, Lebanon |
+961 8 900037 |
[email protected] |
18/10/2017 |
Ms Joêlle Breidy |
Head, Genebank Unit |
Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute |
Zahle, Lebanon |
+9618900037 |
[email protected] |
12/07/2019 |
Ms Nataline Baysah |
Ingénieur agronome sélectionneur spécialiste des semences |
Central Agricultural Research Institute |
Suakoko, Bong County |
+231 880728332 |
[email protected] |
27/09/2013 |
Mme. Herizo Lalaina Rakotoarisoa |
Chercheur sur les ressources phytogénétiques |
Centre National de Recherche Appliquée
au Développement Rural (FOFIFA) |
Ampandrianomby Route d'Andraisoro, BP 1690, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar |
+261 344941102 |
[email protected] |
05/10/2020 |
Mr Lawrent Pungulani |
Curator |
Malawi Plant Genetic Resource Centre |
P.O. Box 158, Lilongwe |
+265 01707219 |
[email protected] |
02/07/2012 |
Mr Mohd Norfaizal Bin Ghazalli |
Deputy Director of Agrobiodiversity Resources Use and Conservation Programme (BE2) |
Agrobiodiversity and Environment Research Centre, Malaysia Agriculture Research and
Development Institute (MARDI)
Ibu Pejabat MARDI, Persiaran MARDI-UPM, 43400 Serdang, Selangor |
+603-89536302 |
[email protected] |
21/07/2023 |
M. Alfousseiny Maïga |
Chercheur |
Programme sorgho. Institut d'économie rurale (IER), Station de Sotuba |
+223 76037117 |
[email protected] |
10/03/2023 |
Ms Petra Azzopardi |
Scientific Officer |
Plant Protection Directorate, Plant Biotechnology Centre |
110, Triq Annibale Preca, Lija LJA 1915 |
+356 22926568 |
[email protected] |
11/04/2023 |
M. Sidi Beghah |
Directeur Adjoint de la Direction de Développement des Filières et du Conseil Agricole (DDFCA) |
Ministère du Développment Rural |
Nouakchott-R.I. |
+222 22738434 |
[email protected] |
29/09/2020 |
Dr. Leobigildo Córdova Téllez |
Director General |
Servicio Nacional de Inspección y Certificación de Semillas (SNICS) |
Av. Guillermo Pérez Valenzuela No.127, Del Carmen, Coyoacán, Ciudad de México, CP 04100 |
+5255 41960535 |
[email protected]
06/05/2024 |
Alternate: M.C. Nancy Yazmín Hernández Nicolás |
Directora de Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura |
Servicio Nacional de Inspección y Certificación de Semillas (SNICS) |
Av. Guillermo Pérez Valenzuela No.127, Del Carmen, Coyoacán, Ciudad de México, CP 04100 |
+5255 36220667 al 70 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
06/05/2024 |
Mr Bayarusukh Noov |
General Director |
Plant Science and Agriculture, Research Institute |
Darkhan-Uul |
+976 1170378826; +976 99014174 |
[email protected]
05/11/2013 |
Ms. Zorka Prljević |
Deputy Director |
Administration for Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Affairs of Montenegro
Phytosanitary sector
Serdara Jola Piletica 26, 81000 Podgorica, |
Tel. +382 20 201 945; Mob. +382 67 277 201 |
[email protected] |
30/04/2024 |
Alternate: Mr. Zoran Jovović, PhD |
Full Professor |
University of Montenegro – Biotechnical faculty Department for Crop and Vegetable
Mihaila Lalića 15, 81000 Podgorica |
+382 20 268 437; Mob. +382 69 072 064 |
[email protected] |
30/04/2024 |
M. Ali Sahri |
Responsable de la caractérisation des accessions de la banque de gène |
Centre Régional de la Recherche Agronomique de Settat, Institut National
de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) |
Route tertiaire 1406 Settat |
Phone: +212 523729300 |
[email protected]
| 14/12/2020 |
Mr Minn San Thein |
Deputy Director and Head of Myanmar Seed Bank, Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) |
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation |
DAR Compound, Yezin. P.O.Box. 15013, Nay Pyi Taw |
Tel. +95 9 49208124 |
[email protected] |
02/06/2020 |
Ms Remmie Hilukwa |
Senior Forester and Curator |
National Plant Genetic Resources Centre, National Botanical Research Institute - Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry |
P/bag 13184 Windhoek |
+264 612022010 |
[email protected] |
31/07/2017 |
Mr Hari Bahadur K.C. |
Joint Secretary |
Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD); Food Security, Agri Business Promotion and Environment Division |
Singha Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal |
+977 14211915 Cell: +977 9841401287 |
[email protected] |
18/06/2020 |
Mr Martin Brink |
Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN) |
Wageningen University and Research Centre |
P.O. Box 16, 6700 AA Wageningen |
Tel: +31 317 483520 |
[email protected] |
04/11/2016 |
Sr. Alejandro Maradiaga Parriles |
Director de Sanidad Vegetal y Semillas |
Instituto de Protección y Sanidad Agropecuaria |
Managua |
[email protected] |
02/07/2020 |
M. Issa Zakari Mahaman Mourtala |
Assistant banque de gènes |
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique du Niger (INRAN) |
Cerra Kollo BP 60 |
(00227) 96498520 / 90402624 |
[email protected] |
07/02/2017 |
Mr Sunday E. Aladele |
Director/Chief Executive Officer and Genebank Curator |
National Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (NCGRAB) |
P.M.B. 5382, Moor Plantation, Ibadan |
+234 8038074937 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
23/03/2020 |
Ms Linn Borgen Nilsen |
Senior advisor |
Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre,
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research |
Pb 115, NO-1431 Ås |
+47 41388502 |
[email protected] |
16/06/2021 |
Ms Safaa Alfarsi |
Head of seed research and plant genetic resources section, Directorate general of agriculture and livestock research |
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources |
Muscat |
Office tel.+968 99342950 |
[email protected] |
20/11/2020 |
Dr Asif Javaid |
Director PGRI |
Bio-resources Conservation Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre |
Islamabad-45500 |
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] |
16/05/2024 |
Alternate: Dr. Shakeel Jatoi |
Curator Genebank |
Bio-resources Conservation Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre |
Islamabad-45500 |
[email protected] |
06/12/2022 |
Alternate: Dr. Nadar Khan |
Bio-resources Conservation Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre |
Islamabad-45500 |
[email protected] |
06/12/2022 |
Sra. Betzaida Lisbeth Bernal Rojas |
Investigadora |
Centro de Innovación e Investigación Agropecuaria en Recursos Genéticos, Instituto de Innovación Agropecuaria de Panamá (IIAP) |
Río Hato, Coclé, Via Playa Blanca |
+507 6606 5278; +507 906 1007 |
[email protected] |
09/09/2024 |
Alternate: Mr. Victor Manuel Camargo García |
Investigador |
Centro de Innovación e Investigación Agropecuaria en Recursos Genéticos, Instituto de Innovación Agropecuaria de Panamá (IIAP)
Río Hato, Coclé, Via Playa Blanca |
+507 6901 6651; +507 993 3253 |
[email protected] |
09/09/2024 |
Mr. Nelson Simbiken |
Director General |
National Agricultural Research Institute |
Sir Alkan Tololo Research Centre, Okuk Highway, 10-mile, PO Box 4415, Lae 411 |
+675 4784100 |
[email protected] |
13/09/2023 |
Sra. Elizabeth Fernández Huaytalla |
Directora de la Subdirección de Recursos Genéticos |
Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) |
Avenida la Molina 1981, La Molina, Lima 15024, Peru |
972 780 872 |
[email protected] |
9/05/2024 |
Alternate: Sra. Dina Lida Gutiérrez Reynoso |
Directora General de Recursos Genéticos y Biotecnología |
Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) |
Avenida la Molina 1981, La Molina, Lima 15024, Peru |
972 832 560 |
[email protected] |
9/05/2024 |
Mr Gerald Glenn F. Panganiban |
Director |
Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture |
692 San Andres Street, Malate, Manila |
[email protected] |
13/01/2025 |
Karen Kristine A. Roscom |
OIC-Director |
Policy Research Service, Department of Agriculture |
Manila |
[email protected] |
13/01/2025 |
Ms Dorota Nowosielska |
Chief Specialist |
Protein Safety and Genetic Resources Unit, Plant Breeding and Protection Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
30, Wspólna Street 00-930 Warsaw |
+48 022 6232612 |
[email protected] |
25/07/2024 |
Sra. Ana Maria Barata |
Head of Portuguese Plant Germoplasm Bank |
Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (INIAV) |
BPGV São Pedro de Merelim 4700-859 Braga |
[email protected] |
04/11/2019 |
Ms Aisha Dasmal Al Kuwari |
Head of the Genetic Resources Section |
Agricultural Research Department, Ministry of Municipality and Environment |
P.O Box: 2727 - Doha |
+974 55522174 - +974 44261287 |
[email protected] |
28/04/2024 |
Mr. Grigore Baltag |
Head of the Plant policies department |
Ministry of Agriculture |
Chisinau |
+373 22204514 |
[email protected] |
24/05/2024 |
Ms Gabriela Romanciuc |
Senior Scientific Researcher |
Insitute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection |
Chisinau |
+373 22211308 |
[email protected] |
28/07/2021 |
Ms Silvia Strajeru |
National Coordinator on Vegetal Resources for Agriculture and Food |
The Central Laboratory for the Seeds and Propagating Material Quality Vegetal Gene Bank Suceava |
Bdul 1 Mai No.17, Postal Code 720224, Suceava |
+40 230521016 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
24/10/2014 |
Ms Elena K. Khlestkina |
Acting Director |
N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of PLant Genetic Resources (VIR) |
42, B.Morskaya Str. St. Petersburg |
+7(812)3125161 |
[email protected] |
20/06/2019 |
Ms Hannah Dupal-Romain |
Senior Research Officer |
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, Natural Resources and Co-operatives |
+758725-6335/468-5601 |
[email protected] |
08/06/2020 |
Mr Tanu Toomata |
Assistant CEO, Crops Division |
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries |
Savalalo Rd, Apia |
[email protected] |
28/02/2023 |
Mr Raed bin Ammar Alsufyani |
Deputy Director-General of the Seeds and Seedlings Centre |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |
Riyadh |
+966568848057 |
[email protected] |
15/06/2022 |
Mr Cheikh Alassane Fall |
Chercheur et Coordonnateur du Bureau de Gestion Génétique et Propriété intellectuelle |
Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA) |
BP: 3120 Route des Hydrocarbures (Bel-Air) CP: 18523 Dakar |
+221 33 8591778; +221 765972880 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
21/06/2021 |
Ms Milena Savić Ivanov |
Head of the Genebank |
Directorate for National Reference Laboratories, Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management |
11 080 Belgrade |
+381113772081 |
[email protected] |
17/09/2015 |
Mr Keven Nancy |
Principal Officer (Director) |
Research and Development Section, Seychelles Agricultural Agency |
+248 2724850; +248 2574643 |
[email protected] |
03/09/2013 |
Mr John Solomon Kamara |
Director of Crops |
Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security |
Brook Fields, Youyi building, Second floor, Freetown |
+232 76866768 |
[email protected] |
17/07/2020 |
Mr Pavol Hauptvogel |
Director |
Research Institute for Plant Production, National Agricultural and Food Centre |
Bratislava |
+421 337947272 |
[email protected] |
29/04/2024 |
Ms Joži J .Cvelbar |
Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Directorate |
Dunajska cesta 22 SI-1000 Ljubljana |
+386 14789118 |
[email protected] |
13/11/2013 |
Alternate: Mr Vladimir Meglic |
Agricultural Institute of Slovenia |
Hacquetova ulica 17 SI-1000 Ljubljana |
+386 12805262 |
[email protected] |
13/11/2013 |
Ms Noluthando Netnou-Nkoana |
Director Genetic Resources |
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development |
Private Bag X973 Pretoria 0001 |
+27 123196024 |
[email protected] |
18/02/2025 |
Sr. José Antonio Sobrino Mate |
Subdirector General de Medios de Producción Agrícolas
y Oficina Española de Variedades Vegetales |
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación |
C/ Almagro 33, 7ª planta, 28010 Madrid |
Phone: +34 913476593 |
[email protected] |
29/08/2019 |
Ms Samanthi Kumari Wasala |
Additional Director, Head PGRC |
Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Department of Agriculture |
Gannoruwa, Peradeniya |
+94 718003296 |
[email protected] |
16/08/2020 |
Mr Ibrahim Mohamed El Tahir |
Director |
Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Research Centre, Agricultural Research Corporation |
P. O. Box 126 Wad Medani
PO Box 160
Tel.: +249-511-840031 (Office), +249-912536114 (Mobile)
+597 8574097
[email protected] |
16/07/2017 |
Ms Patricia Y. Milton |
M.Sc., Chairperson of Suriname's, National Plant Genetic Resources Commission |
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries |
Paramaribo Letita Vriesdelaan 8-10 PO Box 160 |
Tel: (597) 479112 ext. 1313 0r 1314 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
06/09/2017 |
Ms Karolina Åsman |
Senior adviser |
Swedish Board of Agriculture |
Kungsängsvägen 19, SE-753 23 Uppsala |
Tel. +46 (0)36-15 89 24 |
[email protected] |
10/04/2024 |
M. Christian Eigenmann |
Coordinateur Plan d'action national pour les ressources phytogénétiques |
Départment Fédéral de l'Économie de la Formation et de la Recherche DEFR, Office Fédéral de l'Agriculture OFAG |
Schwarzenburgstrasse 165 CH-3003 Berne |
+41 584651704 |
[email protected] |
26/08/2019 |
Mr Hussein Al Zu'bi |
Director General |
General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR) |
Quatli Street PO Box 113 Douma |
+963 119746; +963 115743037 |
[email protected] |
28/10/2013 |
Mr. Sharofiddin Karomatov |
Director |
Republican Center for Genetic Resources, Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Tajikistan |
+992 (37) 378804021 |
[email protected] |
22/04/2020 |
Alternate: Mr Jobirov Shonazar Shohovich |
Researcher |
Crop Department of the Republican Center for Genetic Resources, Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Tajikistan |
+992 933 252 628 |
[email protected] |
22/04/2020 |
Ms Thidakoon Saenudom |
Director of Plant Protection Bureau |
Department of Agriculture |
50 Phahonyothin Rd., Chartujark, Bangkok 10900 |
[email protected] |
29/08/2024 |
Ms.Waraporn Thongpan |
Agricultural Research Officer |
Plant Protection Bureau, Department of Agriculture |
[email protected] |
29/08/2024 |
M. Akla-Esso M'baw Arokoum |
Director de l'Agriculture |
Ministere de L'Agriculture, de l'Elevage et de la Pêche |
B.P. 385 Lomé |
+ +228 90 19 46 84 |
[email protected] |
11/09/2013 |
Alternate: Mr Koffi Kombate |
Chercheur |
Istitut Togolais de Recherche Agronomique (ITRA), Ministere de L'Agriculture, de l'Elevage et de la Pêche |
B.P. 1163 Lomé |
+228 19 46 84 |
[email protected] |
11/09/2013 |
Mme Mariem Bouhdida |
Chercheur |
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie (INRAT) |
+216 98 368 447 |
[email protected] |
30/07/2020 |
Mr. Çağrı Ovayurt |
General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (TAGEM), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry |
Üniversiteler Mah. Dumlupınar Bulvarı, Eskişehir Yolu 10. Km 06800 Çankaya, Ankara |
+90 312 3076274 |
[email protected] |
09/05/2024 |
Ms. Havva Merve Yilmaz |
Agricultural Engineer, Working Group on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources |
General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (TAGEM), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry |
Üniversiteler Mah. Dumlupınar Bulvarı, Eskişehir Yolu 10. Km 06800 Çankaya, Ankara |
+90 312 307 6275 |
[email protected] |
09/05/2024 |
Mr. Veysel Kolcu |
General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (TAGEM), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry |
Üniversiteler Mah. Dumlupınar Bulvarı, Eskişehir Yolu 10. Km 06800 Çankaya, Ankara |
+90 312 3076251 |
[email protected] |
09/05/2024 |
Mr John Wasswa Mulumba |
Curator, Head |
Plant Genetic Resource Centre, National Agricultural Research Organization |
Berkeley Lane Plot 2-4, P.O Box 40, Entebbe |
+256-414-320638; +256-414-321070; cell:+256782671698 |
[email protected] |
15/02/2016 |
Ms Rachel Davis |
SEO Policy Advisor, Genetic Resources |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) |
Sterling House, Dix's Field, Exeter, EX1 1QA |
+020-80264347 |
[email protected] |
23/10/2019 |
Ms Margaret Jonathan Mollel |
Principal Research Scientist and Curator |
National Plant Genetic Resources Center (NPGRC) |
[email protected] |
06/10/2015 |
Ms Cecilia Monclova |
Agricultural Science Advisor, Plant Division, U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service |
[email protected] |
28/02/2023 |
Sr Marcos Martínez |
Oficial |
Dirección General de Recursos Naturales, Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca de Uruguay |
Av. Gral. Eugenio Garzón 456. CP. 12900, Montevideo |
+598 2306 4280 int. 130106 |
[email protected] |
30/04/2024 |
Mr Ibraim Olimovich Khodjaev |
Head, International Relations Department |
Ministry of Agriculture |
+998 (99) 8299909 |
[email protected] |
13/08/2020 |
Ms Margaret Gutiérrez |
Comisionada Presidencial del Vértice Semilla y Genética Soberana de la
Gran Misión AgroVenezuela y Gerente General |
Semillas Híbridas de Venezuela |
2122, Cagua 2122, Estado Aragua |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
Ms Nguyen Giang Thu |
Deputy Director General |
Department of Science, Technology and Environment (DOSTE) |
0902261339 |
[email protected] |
28/08/2020 |
Mr. Taha Abdo Ali Naji |
Agricultural Researcher |
University of Science and Technology |
Aden |
+967 770772466 |
[email protected]; [email protected] |
02/05/2024 |
Mr Graybill Munkombwe |
Senior Agricultural Research Officer |
Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) |
Private Bag 7, Chilanga |
[email protected] |
10/02/2020 |
Mr Onismus Chipfunde |
Head |
Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Institute |
Harare Research Centre, Fifth Street Extension, P.O. Box CY550 Causeway, Harare |
+263 (0)718 714527/(0)773 041186 |
[email protected] |
07/02/2024 |