Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Milestones and achievements


The practical guide on Genomic characterization of animal genetic resources describes the key steps for undertaking a study to characterize one or more livestock populations on the basis of their DNA sequences. The document covers the process from upstream planning to sample collection, through laboratory assays, to data analysis, and interpretation, application and dissemination of results.


The practical guide on Innovations in cryoconservation of animal genetic resources describes the key processes of operating a programme for gene banking of animal genetic resources, emphasizing recent developments. Topics covered include quality management, the choice of material to be stored, financial considerations, accession and use of samples, collection and storage of genetic material, sanitary issues in gene banking, data management, legal issues, and capacity building and outreach.


Publication of Developing sustainable value chains for small-scale livestock producers. This book serves as a practical development tool that guides implementation of the sustainable food value chain framework, with a focus on small-scale livestock producers. It targets an audience of project design teams and policy-makers.


Launch of the renewed Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS). This information system is an essential tool for planners, decision-makers and scientists, allowing them to analyse trends, make informed decisions and forecasts, and support the development and implementation of international agreements such as the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources as well as national policies and strategies for the management of animal genetic resources. DAD-IS data on breed population sizes and conservation programmes are used to monitor Indicators 2.5.1b and 2.5.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals.


The FAO Conference adopts Resolution 3/2017 Reaffirming the World’s commitment to the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources.


Guidelines on Development of integrated multipurpose animal recording systems published. These guidelines focus primarily on process rather than on methods and technology (e.g. details of the equipment and measurements), as the latter are sufficiently covered by other guidelines. They provide advice on the planning, development and implementation of comprehensive systems that address multiple goals and on maximizing the chances that these systems will be sustained.


Launch of The Second Report on the State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. This report, which draws on 129 country reports, focuses on developments since 2007 when the first report in the series was published. It reviews the state of implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources, along with outcomes in terms of the status and trends of livestock biodiversity. It summarizes the state of development of methods and strategies for managing animal genetic resources and reviews trends in the livestock sector and their effects on animal genetic resources.


Publication of Background Study Paper No.66 Rev. 1: Ecosystem services provided by livestock species and breeds, with special consideration to the contribution of small-scale livestock keepers and pastoralists, which explores the nature of ecosystem services provided by livestock species and breeds, with special consideration to the important contributions made by small-scale livestock keepers and pastoralists. 


The Commission endorses guidelines on In vivo conservation of animal genetic resources, which provide advice on how to plan and implement in vivo conservation programmes (conservation based on the maintenance of live animals), including on the development of national conservation strategies, on the implementation of breeding programmes in small populations and on a range of methods that can be used to promote the self-sustainability of at-risk breeds.


Guidelines on Phenotypic characterization of animal genetic resources published. These guidelines address Strategic Priority Area 1 of the Global Plan of Action (Characterization, inventory and monitoring of trends and associated risks) and offer advice on how to conduct a well-targeted and cost-effective phenotypic characterization study that contributes to improving animal genetic resources management in the context of country-level implementation of the Global Plan of Action.


Guidelines on Cryoconservation of animal genetic resources published. These guidelines address Strategic Priority Area 3 of the Global Plan of Action (Conservation) and provide advice on how to plan and implement a cryoconservation programme (conservation based on the maintenance of frozen genetic material), including on priority setting, institutional development and the practicalities of designing and constructing a gene bank and cryoconserving different types genetic material.


Guidelines on Surveying and monitoring of animal genetic resources published. These guidelines address Strategic Priority Area 1 of the Global Plan of Action (Characterization, inventory and monitoring of trends and associated risks). They provide advice on how to draw up a strategy for meeting national requirements for data and information on animal genetic resources and offer practical advice on how to plan and implement animal genetic resources surveys.


Guidelines on Molecular genetic characterization of animal genetic resources published. These guidelines address Strategic Priority Area 1 of the Global Plan of Action (Characterization, inventory and monitoring of trends and associated risks) and provide a short overview of developments in the field of molecular characterization, along with practical advice for researchers who wish to undertake a molecular characterization study.


The Commission endorses the guidelines Developing the institutional framework for the management of animal genetic resources, which present an overview of the components of the global network for the management of animal genetic resources and provide advice on how these components can be strengthened at national and regional levels.


FAO announces the first call for project proposals for funding though the Commission’s Funding Strategy for the Implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources. After a thorough review and selection process, 13 project proposals, involving 30 countries, received funding (2011–2012).


Guidelines on Breeding strategies for sustainable management of animal genetic resources published. These guidelines address Strategic Priority Area 2 of the Global Plan of Action (Sustainable use and development) and are intended to help countries develop effective and sustainable genetic improvement programmes, taking into account their livestock development objectives and the characteristics of their production systems.


The Commission endorses the guidelines Preparation of national strategies and action plans for animal genetic resources, which set out a practical approach to the development of a national strategy and action plan, describing how to get the planning process started, implemented and completed – culminating in government endorsement of the plan. The guidelines also explain the institutional setup for managing AnGR.


The FAO Conference adopts Resolution 12/2007, which welcomes the outcomes of the International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.


The International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, held in Interlaken, Switzerland, welcomes The State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and adopts the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources and the Interlaken Declaration, negotiated by the Commission.


Launch of The State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. The report was developed through a participatory, country-driven process under the guidance of the Commission and draws on information from 169 country reports. It is the first global assessment of the status and trends of animal genetic resources and of the state of institutional and technological capacity to manage these resources.


First session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture takes place.


The Commission establishes the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.


Launch of the first version of the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS), which acts as the international clearing-house mechanism for animal genetic resources and allows countries to regularly update their national data on animal genetic resources, both in situ and ex situ