Climate Change


High-level mission focuses on enhancing collaboration with the Brazilian presidency to promote climate action through investment in sustainable and resilient agrifood systems


FAO and the Government of Cambodia are helping farmers in the Tonle Sap region adapt to climate change with the Green Climate Fund PEARL project

FAO's work on climate change

Climate change threatens our ability to ensure global food security, eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development. In 2016, 31 percent of global emissions originating from human activity came from agrifood systems. This includes deforestation, livestock production, soil and nutrient management, and food loss and waste. The increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases are trapping more heat in the atmosphere, which causes global warming.

Climate change has both direct and indirect impacts on agrifood systems due to shifting and unpredictable rainfall patterns and temperatures, a higher incidence of extreme weather events and disasters such as drought, floods, outbreaks of pests and disease and ocean acidification.

FAO is supporting countries to adapt to climate change and to mitigate climate change by reducing or preventing greenhouse gas emissions, through its projects and programmes and a wide range of knowledge products.

What we do

Programmes and projects
