Следующие ресурсы, связанные с КОСХ, призваны оказывать помощь заинтересованным сторонам и исследователям на глобальном, региональном и местном уровнях в их работе по реализации практик КОСХ.
Overview and Key messages
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Strategies for improving policy coherence and effectiveness
17.3 Strategies for knowledge sharing and effective learning
17.4 Conclusions
Overview and Key messages
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Defining assessment, monitoring and evaluation for CSA: scope, purposes, frameworks and concepts
18.3 How to conduct assessments for CSA policy and project design
18.4 How to implement monitoring and evaluation for CSA programmes and projects
18.5 Challenges and guiding principles
18.6 Examples of assessment, monitoring and evaluation
18.7 Conclusions
Overview and Key messages
4.1 Principles of soil health, key functions and soil: plant-water interrelations
4.2 Challenges of climate change to soils
4.3 Soil principles for climate change adaptation and mitigation and enhancing resilience in different contexts
4.4 Successful examples of soil management practices for climate-smart agriculture with a focus on resilience
4.5 Conclusions
Overview and Key messages
5.1 Introduction – Energy and the agrifood system
5.2 Energy-smart food in the CSA context
5.3 Moving forward – possible energy solutions for CSA
5.4 Conclusions