Reference points for fisheries management
J.F. Caddy
FAO Fisheries Department and
R. Mahon
Fisheries and Environmental Consulting
Saint James, Barbados
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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome 1995
This document is based on a background paper on fishery management reference points
prepared following a request from the Secretary of the United Nations Conference on
Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks after its first session in New York in
June 1993, and on FAO Fisheries Circular No. 864. This document attempts to place the
various reference points used, or potentially useful, for management purposes, in a broader
less technical content, suitable for both assessment workers and fisheries managers.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the inputs of colleagues, notably S. Garcia, R. Grainger,
J. Majkowski and U. Wijkstrom, D. Doulman, R. McGarvey and A. Rosenberg. Several of the
figures were prepared by P. Lastrico and A. Bakun.
FAO Fisheries Department
FAO Regional Fishery Officers
Marine Science (General)
Directors of Fisheries
Caddy, J.F., Mahon, R.
Reference points for fisheries management.
FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 347. Rome, FAO. 1995. 83p.
This paper reviews the conceptual background and application of technical reference points
in fishery management. Despite considerable investment in stock assessment methodology
and expertise, fisheries worldwide are overexploited. This appears to be due to a mismatch
between the precision of assessment and the precision of management. Two types of
reference points are recognized: target reference points (TRPs) and limit reference points
(LRPs). The use of MSY as a target reference point is considered in the light of past
performance of fishery management, and it is suggested that MSY and other reference points
formerly used as targets, may be more appropriately applied as LRPs. The recent trend
towards the quantification of uncertainty and estimation of risk in the provision of advice is
considered to be good, but the cost and availability of information and expertise required may
preclude the use of these techniques for many small or low value stocks and for most stocks
in developing countries. The recent trend towards inclusion of ‘ecosystem concepts’ in
setting fishery management objectives is also seen as good, and overdue. Although still in
their formative stages, ecosystem concepts can still provide LRPs. Effective management will
require a ‘set of rules’ comprising both TRPs and LRPs. In most national and international
fishery management situations, the current institutional structure will probably require some
modification in order to successfully apply these sets of rules. Fisheries management
organizations will continue to assess and manage fisheries routinely, but management may
need to develop an independent review which comes into play when resource production
limits are approached. The action to be taken at such limits should be discussed and agreed
in advance. |
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- Despite an increasingly quantitative trend in the use of reference points for fisheries
management, in practice, in most jurisdictions there has been failure to conserve stocks
for sustainable use. There have been several reasons for this, including:
- poorly defined management objectives,
- poorly defined conceptual bases for the Reference Points,
- problems of estimating Reference Points and stock status (variability),
- failure to link the assessment of resources to the management objectives,
- difficulty of scientists in communicating these problems to managers and
- the failure of management to constrain fisheries to agreed levels.
- There has been a trend in the reference points used from those which maximise yield
(Fmax, Fmsy, FMsr) to lower rates of target exploitation which recognise the need to be
conservative (F0.1, 2/3Fmsy) to those which set limits or thresholds to protect the stock
against collapse (Fmed).
- The earlier reference points proposed by fishery scientists have been used primarily as
Target Reference Points (TRPs), but owing to problems caused by overshooting TRPs,
there has been a perceived need for reference points that help to avoid situations which
are dangerous to the resource. These have been referred to as Limit Reference Points
(LRPs), or threshold reference points.
- The shift away from Reference Points based on mathematical optima, to conservative,
or protective ones that mark the boundary between rational and non-sustainable
exploitation, requires decisions about what is an appropriate level of risk in the face of
uncertainty due to measurement error, model error, and process error. These decisions
on the acceptable risk and on the LRPs are inevitably arbitrary, but it is essential for
managers to make them.
- The need for arbitrary, albeit technically informed, decisions has affected fishery
management in two ways. The first affects the technical aspects of stock assessment,
which has recently begun to focus on quantifying the effects of uncertainty on
management. The second aspect affected is the decision-making process, which must
develop means of evaluating and deciding upon an appropriate, or acceptable level of
risk, then agreeing upon informed, even if occasionally arbitrary, target and limit
reference points.
- The mathematical complexity of models incorporating risk, and the research costs
associated with quantifying uncertainty will probably preclude this approach for most
of the world's smaller fish stocks in the near future. For the managers of those stocks,
the focus must be on developing the second of the options in paragraph 5, as well as
focusing on procedures for agreeing upon precautionary reference points, adopting them
as a convention, and taking management action in a timely and adequate fashion.
- There is a growing trend towards inclusion of ecosystem concepts as a basis for
establishing limits to exploitation. While still immature relative to concepts based on
single species considerations, these can already provide guidance as to safe limits for
- For limit or threshold points, the emphasis must be upon establishing agreement among
participants as to the limiting conditions corresponding to the reference point(s) used
and the actions to take when these are believed to have been reached. The
management action should be automatic; ideally agreed to in advance by the resource
users and their representatives.
- Most national fisheries ministries and international fishery management organizations
appear to be structured and to function in a way which would permit them to adopt the
approach discussed above. Hitherto, these organizations may have overemphasised the
role of technical inputs in making management decisions. In some cases, action has
been deferred due to a lack of an adequate scientific consensus for decision.
- The major change which will be required by most organizations will be to incorporate
a body or committee with a broader responsibility for fishery sustainability, which will
be responsible for defining objectives and Reference Points, and to which management
responsibility will pass when limits are approached.
- Given the current state of the world's fish stocks, the recent history of collapse of
major fish stocks, and the continuing declining trend of many resources, there is a need
to refocus effort on the agreement/decision making process, and to respect the
provisions of the United Nations 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea in taking
management action based on the best available information.