Global Forest Products Outlook Study
Working Paper Series
Working Paper No: GFPOS/WP/01
Shushuai Zhu, David Tomberlin, Joseph Buongiorno
Department of Forest Ecology and Management
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA
Forestry Policy and Planning Division, Rome
December 1998
INFORMATION NOTE ON THE GLOBAL FOREST PRODUCTS OUTLOOK STUDYIn considering the role of FAO in the sustainable management of forests and in the follow-up to the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), the 107th session of the FAO Council (1994) agreed that there was a need for FAO to improve the quality of its forest sector information and analysis. In response to this and other similar demands, FAO has increased the prominence of outlook studies in the programme of work of the Forestry Department. A provisional global forest products outlook was produced early in 1997 which concentrated on forecasts of future supply and demand, based on econometric modelling of past trends in forest products markets. This study highlighted the need for more detailed research in two areas: the supply and demand for fuelwood; and the potential for wood supply from non-forest sources (including trees outside the forest and secondary sources). In addition to this, subsequent discussion of the provisional outlook, suggested that greater attention should be given more generally to the supply-side of future outlook studies. The present Global Forest Products Outlook Study is the fifth in the series of FAO's global supply and demand studies which have been produced approximately every five years since 1982. The study attempts to respond to those needs identified above. However, it also attempts to go beyond the scope of previous outlook studies, by presenting much more interpretation of the future supply and demand forecasts from the point of view of forestry policy development and forest management. Thus, it attempts to go beyond answering the simple question of how much wood will be needed in the future, to cover issues such as where will the wood come from, who will produce it and how will it be produced and utilised. This, inevitably, leads to questions about how forestry policies and institutions should be shaped in the future and the study attempts to answer some of these questions. Working papers have been commissioned on a few topics which have been considered as most important for the future wood product market outlook, including: likely future changes in the nature and type of wood and fibre supplies; trends in processing; and the future outlook for fuelwood supply and demand. Working papers are being produced and issued as they arrive. Some effort at uniformity of presentation is being attempted but the contents are only minimally edited for style or clarity. FAO welcomes from readers any information which they feel would be useful to the study on the subject of any of the working papers or on any other subject that has importance for the forest products outlook. Such material can be mailed to the contacts given below from whom further copies of these working papers, as well as more information on the Global Forest Products Outlook Study can be obtained: |
Mr. R Michael Martin Chief Planning and Statistics Branch Policy and Planning Division Forestry Department Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla Rome, 00100, ITALY Tel: (39-06) 5705 3302 Fax: (39-06) 5705 5137 Email: [email protected] |
Mr Adrian Whiteman Forestry Officer (Sector Studies) Planning and Statistics Branch Policy and Planning Division Forestry Department Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla Rome, 00100, ITALY Tel: (39-06) 5705 5055 Fax: (39-06) 5705 5137 Email: [email protected]
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© FAO 1999
Appendix 1 - Consumption Outlook (1995-2010)
Appendix 2 - Production outlook (1995-2010)
Appendix 3 - Imports Outlook (1995-2010)
Appendix 4 - Exports Outlook (1995-2010)