Decentralized Rural Development and the Role of Self Help Organizations

Table of Contents

A regional workshop held from 4-6 November 1998
Chiang Mai, Thailand

RAP Publication 1999/33

Food and Agriculture Organization
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
December 2001

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© FAO 2001

For copies, write to:
Mr Wim Polman
Regional Rural Development Officer
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Maliwan Mansion
39 Phra Athit Road
Bangkok 10200, Thailand

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Table of Contents

I. Introduction

a) Rationale:
b) Objectives
c) Workshop composition and structure

II. Workshop process

a) Opening session:
b) Issues
c) Country case studies

Sri Lanka
Viet Nam

d) United Nations and international experience on decentralization
e) Lessons to be learned
f) Group discussions
g) Field visits

III. Recommendations

i) Country action plan for governments
ii) Action plan for NGO/private sector
iii) Action plan at the SHO level
iv) Regional action plans/activities
v) Role of FAO and other agencies

IV. Follow-up action at country/regional levels

V. Conclusion




1 Inaugural address by Mr Pakdee Ratanapon, Deputy Governor, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand
2 Welcome address by Dr Prem Nath, Assistant Director General and Regional Representative, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
3 Keynote address by Dr Anek Nakhabutr, Director, Social Investment Fund, Royal Thai Government, Bangkok

Country case studies: Thailand

4 Impact of decentralization on local level rural development in Thailand, Ms Montip Krachangvej,Thailand
5 Thailand cooperatives role in decentralized rural development for poverty alleviation and food security at the community level, Asanee Ratanamalai, Ph.D, Thailand
6 An alternative approach to development: A case study of the Bangchak petrol stations, Dr Supriya Kuandachakupt, Thailand
7 Decentralized rural development and the role of self help organizations in Nang Rong, Buriram, Wilas Lohitkul, Thailand
8 Roles of agricultural cooperatives and village credit unions in rural financial markets in Thailand, Paradorn Preedasak; Viroj NaRanong, Thailand
9 Decentralized rural development and the role of self help organizations, Mrs Wannee Ratanawaraha, Thailand

Country case study: Bangladesh

10 The role of civil society organizations and self help groups in decentralized rural development: South Asian experience, Dr P. Subrahmanyam, Bangladesh

Country case studies: India

11 Decentralization: The Indian experience, Raghav Gaiha, India
12 Decentralization of rural development in India: The role of cooperatives/self help groups, Mr P.K. Mishra, India
13 Decentralization of democratic institutions in India: With special reference to Madhya Pradesh, Amitabh Kumar Singh, India
14 The role of self help groups in rural development: A case study of 18 Indian organizations in 10 states, Mr B.H. Gowda,Bangalore

Country case study: Indonesia

15 People-based approaches: A basis for decentralized rural development for self help group promotion, Em Haryadi, Indonesia

Country case study: Lao PDR

16 An area-based livelihood-systems approach to rural development in the Lao PDR, Phuoang Parisak Pravongviengkham, Lao PDR

Country case study: Malaysia

17 Decentralized rural development: The FARM Programme experience, Bishan Singh, Malaysia

Country case study: Myanmar

18 Decentralization and of rural self help groups in Myanmar: Poverty alleviation and food security at the community level, Soe Thant Aung, Myanmar

Country case studies: Philippines

19 Introducing participatory planning practices with local governments: A Philippines case study, Demetrio Imperial Jr., Philippines
20 Decentralizing government in the Philippines, Roel Ravanera, Philippines

Country case study: Sri Lanka

21 Impact of decentralization on rural development at the local level, Bedgar Perera, Sri Lanka

Country case studies: Viet Nam

22 Self help organizations of Viet Nam farmers, Prof Dr Vu Trong Khai and Pham NGOC Thu, Viet Nam
23 Decentralized rural development and the role of self help organizations, Lionello D'orazio, Viet Nam

United Nations experience

24 Decentralization and rural development: FAO experience and proposals, Jean Bonnal, Rural Development Officer, SDA/Rome
25 Poverty alleviation through market generated rural employment: 'Success Case Replication', Jan B. Orsini, Economic Affairs Officer, ESCAP
26 People's participation in upland watershed management for rural development: Lessons for the 21st century,Prem N. Sharma. FAO (UN), Kathmandu, Nepal
