ISSN 1020-5292
ISBN 92-5-104897-5
Suppl. 2
Rome, 2003
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© FAO 2003
1.1 The need for and benefits of an ecosystem approach to fisheries
1.2 What is an ecosystem approach to fisheries?1.3 Making EAF operational
1.4 Moving towards EAF management1.4.1 The fisheries management process
1.4.2 Biological and environmental concepts and constraints
1.4.3 Technological considerations
1.4.4 Social and economic dimensions
1.4.5 Institutional concepts and functions
1.4.6 Time scales
1.4.7 Precautionary approach
1.4.8 Special requirements of developing countries
2. Ecosystem approach to fisheries data and information requirements and use
2.1 Policy formulation
2.2 Developing management plans
2.3 Monitoring, implementing and performance reviews
2.4 Uncertainty and the role of research
3. Management measures and approaches
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Options to manage fishing3.2.1 Technical measures
3.2.2 Input (effort) and output (catch) control
3.2.3 Ecosystem manipulation
3.2.4 Rights-based management approaches3.3 Creating incentives for EAF
3.4 Assessing costs and benefits of EAF3.4.1 EAF management costs and who pays
3.4.2 EAF cost-benefit analysis
4.1 Developing an EAF management plan
4.1.1 Consultation
4.1.2 Defining the scope of a fishery management plan under EAF
4.1.3 Background information compilation and analysis
4.1.4 Setting objectives
4.1.5 Formulation of rules
4.1.6 Monitoring, assessment and review process4.2 Legal and institutional aspects of EAF
4.2.1 Legal
4.2.2 Institutional
4.2.3 Educating and informing stakeholders
4.2.4 Effective administrative structure
5. Research for an improved EAF
5.1 Ecosystems and fishery impact assessments
5.2 Socio-economic consideration
5.3 Assessment of management measures
5.4 Assessment and improving the management process
5.5 Monitoring and assessments
6. Threats to implementing EAF
Annex 1. Institutional foundation to the ecosystem approach to fisheries
1. EAF and the concept of sustainable development
2. Institutional path to EAF
3. EAF elements in the Code of Conduct
Annex 2. Principles of relevance to an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF)
Avoiding overfishing
Ensuring reversibility and rebuilding
Minimizing fisheries impact
Considering species interactions
Ensuring compatibility
Applying the precautionary approach
Improving human well-being and equity
Allocating user rights
Promoting sectoral integration
Broadening stakeholders participation
Maintaining ecosystem integrity
Annex 5. Economic instruments for an ecosystem approach to fisheries