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FAO PLANT PRODUCTION AND PROTECTION PAPER 120 Add. 1 Weed Management Addendum 1 Edited by |
Rome, 2003 |
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ISBN 92-5-105019-8
ISSN 0259-2517
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© FAO 2003
Chapter 1. Research and risk-assessment techniques for improved weed management
Protocols for weed seed bank determination in agro-ecosystems - Frank Forcella, Theodore Webster and John Cardina
Parameters for weed-crop competition - M. Sattin and A. Berti
Guidelines for weed-risk assessment in developing countries - Peter A. Williams
Chapter 2. Problem weeds and their management in crops and non-crop situations
African tulip tree in the Fijian Islands - Bruce A. Auld and Mereseini Nagatalevu-Seniloli
Progress on Rottboellia cochinchinensis management - Bernal E. Valverde
Characteristics and management of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel in smallholder farms in developing countries - David Chikoye
Weedy rice, biological features and control - A. Ferrero
Progress on management of parasitic weeds - Abuelgasim Elzein and Jürgen Kroschel
Weed management in vegetables - C. Zaragoza
Progress on water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) management - Maricela Martínez Jiménez
Chapter 3. Management Options and perspectives
Principles and practices of using cover crops in weed management systems - John. R. Teasdale
Preventive and cultural methods for weed management - Paolo Bàrberi
The importance of allelopathy in breeding new cultivars - Kil-Ung Kim and Dong-Hyun Shin
Soil solarization - Barakat Abu Irmaileh
Herbicide-resistance management in developing countries - Bernal E. Valverde
Benefits and risks of the use of herbicide-resistant crops - Kathrine Hauge Madsen & Jens Carl Streibig
Present trends in weed management - R. Labrada