Local Institutions and Livelihoods: Guidelines for Analysis

Norman Messer & Philip Townsley

Rome, 2003
Table of Contents

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ISBN 92-5105049-X

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© FAO 2003

Table of Contents




1. Why the guidelines are needed
2. Outline of content
3. The users of the guidelines
The Malatuk Story - setting the scene

Module 1 - Understanding the key concepts

1. Households and livelihoods
2. Livelihood assets
3. The vulnerability context
4. Institutions and their organizations, policies and processes
5. Livelihood strategies and outcomes
6. Linkages between local institutions and livelihood strategies
The Malatuk Story - starting out

Module 2 - Preparing the investigation

1. Assessing available resources
2. Identifying a team
3. Setting objectives
4. Carrying out a literature review
5. Planning the process
The Malatuk Story - preparations

Module 3 - Doing the community profile

1. The process for developing a community profile
2. Starting out
3. Field methods for the community profile
4. Outputs of the community profile
The Malatuk Story - doing the community profile

Module 4 - Understanding household livelihood strategies

1. The process for developing livelihoods profiles
2. Starting out
3. Methods for developing livelihoods profiles
4. Outputs of the household livelihood profiles
The Malatuk Story - doing the livelihood profiles

Module 5 - Understanding local institutions

1. The process for developing institutional profiles
2. Starting out
3. Methods for developing institutional profiles
4. Outputs of the investigation of local institutions
The Malatuk Story - doing the institutional profiles

Module 6 - Analyzing and understanding linkages

1. The process for developing linkage profiles
2. Identifying “key linkages”
3. Developing draft linkage profiles
4. Validating linkage profiles with focus groups
5. Supplementary methods to fill in the gaps
The Malatuk Story - analyzing and understanding linkages

Module 7 - Using the outputs in practice

1. Reviewing the outputs
2. Feeding the outputs into the project cycle
3. Feeding the outputs into different levels of the development process
4. Examples of the use of outputs
The Malatuk Story - using the information

Annex - Where to find additional information


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