FAO Diversification booklet 2
FAO Diversification booklet 2

Livelihood Grow in Gardens

Diversifying Rural Incomes Through Home Gardens

Chris Landon-Lane
Agricultural Support Systems Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2004
Table of Contents

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ISBN 92-5-105072-4

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© FAO 2004

Table of Contents



Some basic facts about home gardens

History, definition and purposes
Systems, resources and choices
Gardens are places for innovation
Future directions

Benefits of viable home gardens for family health and sustainable livelihoods

Gardens reduce food losses
More - and better - food available at all times
Labour and time efficiency
Environment: improved working and living conditions
Enhanced social standing
Better skills training
Added value to livelihoods and trade

Developing home gardens

Making choices and factors influencing choices
How to do it: transforming low home-garden production
Supporting resources for home gardening

Sources of more information, training and networking

Agencies and websites
Selected further reading

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