Investment Centre/European Bank of Reconstruction and Development agribusiness handbooks

October 1999

Volume 5: Grapes / Wine

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This publication was prepared by the FAO Investment Centre under the FAO/EBRD cooperation agreement to provide quick technical and economical reference material to EBRD’s agribusiness team in sub-sectors where they often work. Focus was given to the Bank’s countries of operation in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, with indicators of technical and economical performance in other regions of the world noted for comparison. The series of handbooks contained in this publication cover specific agribusiness sub-sectors, with information on production and processing techniques, costs and margins, world production, prices and trade trends. Data were collected from a number of official and unofficial sources as indicative information that should be interpreted with caution, and do not imply the expression of any opinion by FAO concerning the economic situation of countries mentioned.

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© FAO 1999