The marine fisheries of Cambodia

FAO/FishCode Review No. 4

The marine fisheries of Cambodia


Rome, 2004

Table of Contents

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ISSN 1728-4392

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© FAO 2004


This document is a slightly revised and edited version of a review mission report on the marine fisheries of Cambodia. The mission took place in early 2003 and was organized under the FAO FishCode Programme at the request of the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of the Royal Government of Cambodia. Funding was provided through FishCode component project GCP/INT/648/NOR, “Management for Responsible Fisheries.” Fieldwork was carried out in collaboration with three senior staff of the Cambodian Department of Fisheries, who provided valuable assistance and advice: Messrs Ing Try, Ouk Vibol and Poum Sotha. The FAO Representative in Cambodia, Mr Jean-Claude Levasseur and his staff also provided efficient support and much appreciated encouragement.

The FishCode Review series publishes results of studies, missions, consultations, workshops, meetings and other project activities undertaken through the Programme, in furtherance of its objective of facilitating implementation of the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and related international fisheries instruments and plans of action. Individual numbers in the series are distributed to appropriate governments, regional bodies, meeting participants and Programme partners. Further information on Programme background, publications and activities is available through

Gillett, R.
The marine fisheries of Cambodia.
FAO/FishCode Review. No. 4. Rome, FAO. 2004. 57p.


This review of the marine fisheries of Cambodia is based on in-country mission work carried out in early 2003 in order to: (a) describe the marine fishery sector; (b) identify opportunities, constraints, and paths to solutions for the sector; and (c) identify areas for follow-up investigation. Excess fishing effort and associated declines in abundance of target species are the most serious problems facing Cambodia’s marine fisheries. The major causes appear to be population increases coupled with a sluggish economy and the government’s open access policy. This review endorses the findings of other studies of Cambodia’s marine fisheries in concluding that resource sustainability requires restrictions on resource access. Much capacity building is also required for the effective management of marine fisheries in Cambodia. A suite of initiatives is proposed for addressing these problems and promoting the transition to responsible fisheries.

Keywords: Fishery management; marine fisheries; Southeast Asia; Cambodia.

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