Unasylva - No. 216 - Reinventing forestry education


An international journal of forestry and forest industries - Vol. 55 2004/1

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

A. Perlis
Editorial Advisory Board:
F. Castañeda, T. Hofer, C. Holding Anyonge,
D. Kneeland, J.P. Koyo, M. Morell, A. Perlis,
L. Russo, M. Uemoto, T. Vahanen, M. Wilkie
Regional Advisers:
H. Abdel Nour, C. Carneiro, P. Durst, P. Koné,
K. Prins Italy.

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(Download- 50 KB)

Editorial (Download- 16 KB)

What does the future hold for forestry education?
(Download- 210 KB)

Trends in forestry education in Southeast Asia and Africa, 1993 to 2002: preliminary results of two surveys(Download- 29 KB)

J.J. Landrot
Technical forestry education in Africa: the industry point of view (Download- 133 KB)

H. Miller
Trends in forestry education in Great Britain and Germany, 1992 to 2001  (Download- 60 KB)

F. Rojas Rodríguez
Professional forestry education and forestry development in Central America  (Download- 165 KB)

D.W. Längin, P.A. Ackerman and S. Lewark
Internet-based learning in higher forestry education  (Download- 113 KB)

M. Miagostovich
Forest management learning groups: building forest users' capacity to develop silvicultural practices to address local needs  (Download- 151 KB)

M. Hosny El-Lakany
Looking outward: incorporating international forestry in higher forestry education and research  
(Download- 153 KB)

FAO FORESTRY  (Download- 97 KB)

WORLD OF FORESTRY  (Download- 56 KB)

BOOKS  (Download- 101 KB)