Kabul, 2 August 2005

Agriculture Prospects Report
(June/July 2005)


Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Food
Food, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Information Management and Policy Unit
Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations

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This report supersedes Agriculture Prospects Report (APR) released by MAAHF in May 2005. The report provides updated estimates of the 2005 crop outputs, quantifies the cereal surplus/deficit, identifies areas needing actions or interventions, and supplies retail market prices of agricultural commodities and services. The report is intended for the use of MAAHF, Central Statistics Office (CSO), and international agencies.

Most of data in the APR are presented at the provincial levels. Primary sources of information for APR are individual provincial agricultural offices. The APR draws upon information and data available through the provincial crop monitoring missions fielded by MAAHF. Radio and telephone are other means of communication used for more frequent contacts with the provincial agricultural offices. Information and data provided by other sources (e.g. Technical Departments in MAAHF, USGS Agro-met project, FAO and WFP) are also very important.

© FAO 2005