APFIC Regional Workshop on Low value and "trash fish" in the Asia-Pacific Region

Hanoi, Viet Nam, 7-9 June 2005


Bangkok, 2005


Table of Contents

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Table of Contents


Workshop Conclusions and Action Plan

An understanding of the issues
Action plan to address the issues

Goal and Objectives of the Workshop

Mechanism of the Workshop and Format of the Report

Opening of the Workshop

Summary of Technical Presentations

Production and use of trash fish from marine fisheries in the Asia-Pacific region
Production and utilization of trash fish in selected Chinese ports
A survey of marine trash fish and fish meal as aquaculture feed ingredients in Viet Nam
Use of inland trash fish for aquaculture development in the Mekong Basin
The status of trash fish resources in coastal fisheries of Thailand and Malaysia - regional synthesis on the analysis of TrawlBase data for trash fish species and their utilization
Trends in coastal aquaculture and effect on feed demand in the Asian region
The future of feeds and feeding of marine finfish in ASEAN
Juvenile and trash excluders - the experience from the fishery
Maximizing utilization of fish catch for human consumption
Economic aspects of capture fisheries for low value fish

Summary of Working Group Discussions

There is a need for a common understanding of terminology
Lack of reliable data and information
Sustainability of the current harvesting regime
Policy/management dimensions
Future trends of low value element of the fisheries
What are the drivers for aquaculture’s fish?
What will drive aquaculture away from the direct use of low value/trash fish?
Future availability of low value/trash fish for feeds?
What will be the effect of competition between aquaculture and with livestock or other industries?
Diversification of aquaculture feeds
Direct feeding of trash fish to pellet feeding - time to change
Trade-offs between poverty alleviation or economic efficiency
Potential/observed impacts or consequences of the above-identified trends

Discussion on Actions Needed to Address the Issues

Fisheries related interventions
Actions/Strategies to address the identified issues within the aquaculture context
Role of international organizations and regional fisheries bodies

Annex I. Timetable & Agenda of the Regional Workshop on Low Value and Trash Fish in the Asia-Pacific Region

Annex II. Opening Statement of Mr Vu Van Trieu, Director of International Cooperation Department, Mofi, Viet Nam

Annex III. Opening Statement of the Secretary of APFIC

Annex IV. List of Participants