Food Insecurity and
Vulnerability Information
and Mapping Systems (FIVIMS)


Dr Shantana R. Halder
FAO National Consultant, Agro-economist
Bangladesh FIVIMS
National FIVIMS Secretariat
Programming Division
Planning Commission


Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
March 2004

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Table of Contents

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Table of Contents



Executive summary

Introduction to FIVIMS and its objectives

Goals and objectives of national FIVIMS
Primary goals
Overall objectives
Specific objectives

Methodology of Bangladesh FIVIMS
Key indicators for assessing food insecurity and vulnerability
Description of major data sets used in baseline report
Uses of other data

Bangladesh background information
Distribution of rural households with land ownership

Land use
Use of agricultural land
Irrigation as a factor of production

Food production and availability of net production
Food production
Food production and a balanced diet
Net food availability and food intake
Food intake data
Source of food consumed in the household

Trends in poverty
Results of the income measure
Results of the direct calorie intake measure
Variations in results of different poverty estimates
Local estimation of poverty

Food and non-food consumption expenditure

Household income

Food price and food insecurity
Price of coarse rice

Data sources
Adult literacy
Primary school enrolment

Access to infrastructure
Access to electricity
Access to road communication

Risks and shocks
Effects of the 1998 flood: the BRAC studies
Effects of the 1998 flood: the IFPRI studies
Role of government in relief operations for the poor

Identification of the extreme poor and most vulnerable
General characteristics
Social characteristics
Causes of poverty
Access to capital market
The extreme poor: a varied group
Identifying the extreme poor

Conclusions and recommendations


Annex 1: Differential cropping intensity in 2002–2003
Annex 2: Foodgrain production and availability from 1969–70 to 2002–03
Annex 3: Poverty map
Annex 4: Agro-ecologically constrained area
Annex 5: Extent of 1998 flood
Annex 6: 1998 Flood damage and government relief allocation by district
Annex 7: Relative food insecurity map