The State of
Agricultural Commodity Markets 2006

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About this report (Download pdf 263 Kb)



Part1 (Download pdf 754 Kb)
Developing countries, agricultural trade and the Doha Round

Addressing development concerns in multilateral agricultural trade negotiations

Conflicting models
Food imports
Threats to domestic food production
Who benefits?
Stages of development
The need for special and differential treatment

Special products for development

How can special products be identified?
How should special products be treated?
Using the special product provision – the case
  of rice
Contrasting the effects of special and
  sensitive products – the case of dairy products

Import surges, market disruption and the special safeguard mechanism

Import surges – a widespread phenomenon
The need for protection – the special safeguard
Designing a special safeguard mechanism
Remedies for import surges

Tariff preferences and their erosion

Erosion of trade preferences – bananas in the
Trade liberalization and preferential trade
  agreements –sugar

Conclusions: development priorities,
the Doha Round and beyond

Part2 (Download pdf 552 Kb)
Review of agricultural commodity markets

Current conditions and recent developments



Table 1

Trends in real commodity prices

Table 2

Exports of selected commodities by
ten largest exporters

Table 3

Imports of selected commodities by ten largest importers

Table 4

Export dependency in least-developed countries

Figure 1

Income terms of trade

Trade and Markets Division publications, 2004–06

Produced by the
Electronic Publishing Policy and Support Branch
Communication Division

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ISBN 978-92-5-105652-3

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© FAO 2007

Cover photos, from top to bottom:
FAO/S. Casetta
FAO/12616/P. Rocher
FAO/A.G.D. Barker

Inside photos:
Page 9:FAO/J.Holmes
Page 27:FAO/R. Faidutti
Page 29:FAO/S. Casetta
Page 51: FAO/G.Bizzarri