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The LinKS project Community Diversity Seed Fairs in Tanzania June 2006, Report no 51 |
The FAO-LinKS project (Gender, biodiversity and local knowledge systems for food security) sponsored two studies, in Southern Highlands and Central Tanzania, on local knowledge in relation to management of agrobiodiversity for food security. Following the studies, four community diversity seed fairs were held in 2005. The research teams worked closely together with the rural communities in organizing these seed fairs and field testing the guidelines. These guidelines were developed in collaboration with the FAO Gender and Population Division and the Seed and Plant Genetic Resources Service.
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Village meetings
Formation of the village organizing committees
Implementation of the seed fairs
Participation and attendance
Certificates and awards
Crop diversity displayed
Sustainability of the seed fairs
For farmers and local people
For extensionists and researchers
For officials
Annex 1: Synthesis of four village seed fairs
Annex 2: FAO/LINKS Project guidelines for conducting community seed fairs
Community ownership
Theme, objectives and activities
Planning the activities
Public awareness
Conducting the seed fair
Awards and recognition
Monitoring and evaluation
Appendix 3: Crops and biodiversity displayed in Dabalo village (Central Zone)
Appendix 4: Crops and their biodiversity displayed in Misughaa village (Central Zone)
Appendix 5: Crop biodiversity displayed at Shinji village (Southern Highlands)
Appendix 6: Crop diversity displayed at Malinzanga village (Southern Highlands)