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FAO Species Identification Sheets for Fishery Purposes Field guide to the Commercial Marine and Brackish-water
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. |
This field guide includes the marine and brackish-water species of bony fishes, sharks, batoid fishes, lobsters, shrimps, cephalopods and marine turtles believed to be of interest to fisheries in Tanzania. Each major resources group is introduced by a general section on technical terms, followed by an annotated and illustrated list of the more important species which includes FAO names, local names commonly used, maximum size, habitat and fishing gear. A composite index of scientific and vernacular family and species names is also provided.
TECHNICAL TERMSFamiliesMegalopidae - Tarpons
Albulidae - Bonefishes
Clupeidae Sardinellas, herrings, shads, pellonas
Engraulidae - Anchovies, thryssas
Chirocentridae - Wolf-herrings
Congridae - Congers
Muraenesocidae - Pike congers
Muraenidae - Morays
Anguillidae - Eels
Ariidae - Sea catfishes
Plotosidae - Eel catfishes
Chanidae - Milkfishes
Synodontidae - Lizardfishes
Lophidiidae - Anglers
Ophidiidae - Brotulas
Atherinidae - Silversides
Exocoetidae - Flyingfishes
Hemiramphidae - Halfbeaks
Belonidae - Needlefishes
Holocentridae - Squirrelfishes, soldierfishes
Aulostomidae Trumpetfishes
Fistulariidae Cornetfishes
Platycephalidae Flatheads
Serranidae - Groupers, seabasses, hinds, coraltrouts, lyretails
Teraponidae - Terapons
Priacanthidae - Glasseyes, bullseyes
Apogonidae - Cardinal fishes
Sillaginidae - Sillagos
Lactariidae - False trevallies
Pomatomidae Bluefishes
Rachycentridae - Cobias
Echeneidae - Sharksuckers
Carangidae - Pompanos, threadfishes, scads, trevallies, runners, pilotfishes, black pomfrets, queenfishes, jacks, darts
Coryphaenidae Dolphinfishes
Menidae - Moonfishes
Leiognathidae - Toothponies, ponyfishes
Gerreidae - silver-biddies
Lutjanidae - Jobfishes, snappers
Caesionidae - Fusiliers.
Nemipteridae - Threadfin breams, monocle breams
Lobotidae - Tripletails
Haemulidae - Sweetlips,rubberlips,hotlips, grunters, piggies
Lethrinidae - Large-eye breams, emperors
Sparidae - Seabreams, soldierbreams
Sciaenidae - Croakers, drums
Mullidae - Goatfishes
Monodactylidae - Moonies
Kyphosidae - see chubs
Ephippidae - spadefishes
Drepanidae - Sicklefishes
Chaetodontidae - Butterfly fishes
Pomacanthidae - Angelfishes
Pomacentridae - Sergeants, damselfishes
Platacidae - Batfishes
Mugilidae - Mullets, Kandas
Sphyraenidae - Barracudas
Polynemidae - Threadfins
Labridae - Hogfishes, wrasses, thicklips, tuskfishes, coris
Scaridae - Parrotfishes
Acanthuridae - Surgeonfishes, unicornfishes
Siganidae - spinefoots
Scombridae - Wahoos, frigate tunas, mackerels, tunas, bonitos, Spanish mackerels, kingfishes, albacores, etc
Trichiuridae - Hairtails
Xiphiidae - Swordfishes
Istiophoridae - Sailfishes, marlins, spearfishes
Psettodidae - Spiny turbots
Bothidae - Flounders
Soleidae - Soles
Cynoglossidae - Tonguesoles
Tetraodontidae - Pufferfishes, blowfishes, tobies
Balistidae - Triggerfishes
Monacanthidae - Leatherjackets
Diodontidae - Burrfishes, balloonfishesSHARKS
TECHNICAL TERMSFamiliesAlopiidae - Thresher sharks
Carcharhinidae - Sharks
Ginglymostomatidae - Nurse sharks
Hemigaleidae - Snaggletooth sharks
Lamnidae - Makos
Sphyrnidae - Hammerheads
Squalidae - Gulper sharks, kitefin sharks
Squatinidae - Angelsharks
Stegostomatidae - Zebra sharks
Triakidae - TopesBATOID FISHES
TECHNICAL TERMSFamiliesDasyatidae - Stingrays
Gymnuridae - Butterfly rays
Mobulidae - Mantas, devilrays
Myliobatidae - Eaglerays
Pristidae - Sawfishes
Rajidae - Skates
Rhinobatidae - Guitarfishes
Rhinopteridae - Cownose rays
Rhynchobatidae - Wedgefishes
Torpedinidae - Electric raysLOBSTERS
TECHNICAL TERMSFamiliesNephropidae - Lobsters
Palinuridae - Spiny lobsters
Scyllaridae - Locust lobstersSHRIMPS AND PRAWNS
TECHNICAL TERMSFamiliesHippolytidae - Hunter shrimps
Palaemonidae - River prawns, spider prawns
Penaeidae - Shrimps, prawnsCEPHALOPODS
TECHNICAL TERMSFamiliesSepiidae - Cuttlefishes
Loliginidae - Squids
Onychoteutidae - Clubhook squids
Ommastrephidae - Flying squids
Thysanoteuthidae - Diamondback squids
Octopodidae - OctopusesSEA TURTLES
TECHNICAL TERMSFamiliesChelonidae - Sea turtles
Dermochelidae - Leatherback turtlesINDEX OF SCIENTIFIC AND VERNACULAR NAMES