AGSF Occasional Paper 4

AGSF Occasional Paper 3

Urban food supply and distribution in developing countries and countries in transition

A guide for planners

Olivio Argenti and Cecilia Marocchino
Agricultural Management,
Marketing and Finance Service (AGSF)
Agricultural Support Systems Division

Rome, 2005


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Table of contents

Section 1pdf

Chapter 1. Food supply and distribution:
                 new issues in land use and urban planning

Chapter 2. The role of the planner in supplying cities with food

Chapter 3. Urban food distributiond

Chapter 4. Intervention strategies: general characteristics
                and evaluation tools

Suggested reading

List of maps

1. Santiago de los Caballeros: land use in a periurban areaypdf
2. Santiago de los Caballeros: urban agriculturepdf
3. Santiago de los Caballeros: suburban agriculturepdf
4. Jakarta: location of marketspdf
5. Dar es Salaam: formal and informal marketspdf
6. Amman: Al Wehdat retail market - a market near the bus terminalpdf
7. Dar es Salaam: Tandale wholesale marketpdf