Good governance 
in land tenure 
and administration


Good governance
in land tenure
and administration

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 2007


    FAO’s Land Tenure Studies are concise presentations on the often complicated and controversial subject of land tenure, especially as it relates to food security, poverty alleviation and rural development. These studies do not seek to be exhaustive but instead reflect what FAO and its many international collaborators have discovered are “good practices” for a particular aspect of land tenure and its administration. The studies cover various aspects of improving access to land and other natural resources and increasing tenure security. They address the role of land tenure in rural development, gender and access to land, improved access to land through leasing arrangements, rural property taxation systems, land consolidation, land access and land administration after violent conflicts, and good governance in land tenure and administration.

Reprinted 2008, 2009

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