Integrating Fisheries into the Development Discourse


Integrating Fisheries into the Development Discourse

Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok, 2007

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© FAO 2007

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 Table of Contents


1. Introduction

2. Growth and equity: Grounds for inserting fisheries into key national policy documents

A. Fisheries: The growth argument for inclusion

B. Fisheries: The equity argument for inclusion

C. The socio-economic importance of fisheries in developing APFIC states

3.Poverty reduction strategy papers, national development plans and the fisheries sector

A. Assessment methodology

B. Analysis of key national policy documents

C. Sectoral importance and the mainstreaming of fisheries into national policy documents

4. Conclusion – The way forward



Appendix 1: Trade, consumption, employment, and rural poverty data

Appendix 2: Extent to which the fisheries sector is integrated into Asian PRSPs and national development plans