National Food and Nutrition Commission
Government of the Republic of Zambia
Ministry of Education

Improved Complementary Foods Recipe Booklet

Family Foods for Breastfed
Children in Zambia



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© National Food and Nutrition Commission,
Government of the Republic of Zambia
The Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations



Part I: Family Foods and Complementary Feeding
Part II: Local Measures and Useful Hints
Part III: Recommended Recipes for the Early Dry Season (April to August)
Part IV:Recommended Recipes for the Late Dry and Early Rainy Seasons (September to December)
Part V: Recommended Recipes for the Late Rainy Season (February to March)
Part VI:Recipes for Feeding Sick Children

Annex 1: Recommended Salt Intake in Household Measures and Some of the Common Household Measures Used
Annex 2: Recommended Daily Allowances of Energy (kilocalories) for Children Aged 6 to 24 months and Energy Provided by theComplementary Food Recipes