Proceedings of the international forum on Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)

A Heritage for the Future
experiences on dynamic conservation of traditional agriculturalsystems

Proceedings of the International Forum




in collaboration with

Rome, 24-26 October 2006

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Session 1

- Glossary of Acronyms
- Foreword
- Executive Summary
- Opening session International context of Agricultural Heritage Systems

Session 2
- Mainstreaming GIAHS at national and international levels

Session 3
- Building Innovative Partnerships and Resources Mobilisation

Session 4
Empowering Local Communities through GIAHS

-Conclusions of discussion group sessions
- Final session
- Follow up Notes of the Forum

- Background Papers Conservation and Adaptive Management of
  GloballyImportant Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) The GIAHS Initiative: from concept to implementation

  Parviz Koohafkan

- A Scientific Conceptual Framework and Strategic Principles for the GIAHs Programme from
  a Social-Ecological Systems Perspective

  Patricia Howard

- GIAHS and Farmers Innovation
  Miguel A. Altieri

- Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems An brief examination of
  their context in existing multilateral instruments

  MStuart R. Harrop

- Local empowerment and poverty alleviation in 'Globally Important Agriculture Heritage Systems'
  Arend-Jan van Bodegom and Frank van Schoubroeck

- Summary of Presentation Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
  José Esquinas-Alcázar

- Philippines: Governance and Local Empowerment in the Environment and Natural Resources
  Sector Analiza Rebuelta-Teh

- China's GIAHS Conservation: National Framework
  Qingwen Min and Sun Yehong

- Institutional Mechanism in Participating Countries for Dynamic Conservation of GIAHS
  Frank van Schoubroeck, Luohui Liang and Mary Jane de la Cruz

- Isla de Chiloé, Chile Sitios Ingeniosos de Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial, SIPAM
  Carlos Venegas

- China's GIAHS Conservation: Practices and Experiences Taking Traditional Rice-fish Agriculture as an Example
  Qingwen Min

- Ifugao Rice Terraces: Agricultural Heritage Systems dynamic conservation and practices
  Samuel Peñafiel

Annex 1
- Agenda of the Forum

Annex 2
- Agenda Item for the Commmission

Annex 3
- List of Participants