Best practices in sustainable hunting - CIC Technical Series Publication No.1

Best practices in sustainable hunting

A guide to best practices from around the world

CIC Technical Series Publication No.1

© CIC – International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation, 2008
FAO, 2008

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ISBN 978-963-87791-1-3

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Recreational Trophy Hunting: What do we know and what should we do?

Wildlife: Can it Pay its Way or Must it Be Subsidized?

Trophy Hunting for Endangered Species

Sustainable Hunting Tourism – Position Paper of the CIC Tropical Game Commission

Position Statement of the IUCN Caprinae Specialist Group on Trophy Hunting

Position on Trophy Hunting of the WWF South Africa

Sustainable Conservation and Grassroots Realities – Lessons from the Conservation Programme in Torghar, Balochistan, Pakistan

Conservation and Use of Wild Ungulates in Central Asia – Potentials and Challenges

Trophy Hunting in Sub Saharan Africa: Economic Scale and Conservation Significance

Namibia Communal Area Conservancies

Hunting as a Tool for Wildlife Conservation – the Case of Sheep Hunting in Mexico

CIC – International Council for Game andWildlife Conservation


© FAO, 2008