Mobilizing resources for food and agriculture - FAO Trust Funds

Mobilizing resources for food and agriculture
FAO Trust Funds

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Rome, 2008

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Table of Contents

Part 1   [376 Kb]

    Table of Contents
    Responding to the challenges of the 21st century

Part 2   [162 Kb]

    Why partner with FAO?

Part 3   [230 Kb]

    What are the FAO trust funds?

Part 4   [122 Kb]

    A wide range of services

Part 5   [231 Kb]

    FAO Trust Funds at work: Case studies

    The Decentralized Cooperation
    Programme: Promoting city-to-city
    and region-to-region partnerships

    Codex Alimentarius: International food
    standards for safer food and fairer trade

Part 6   [515 Kb]

    Africa Stockpiles Programme: Eliminating
    Africa's 50 000 tonnes pesticide stockpile

    FishCode: Global partnerships
    for responsible fisheries

    The National Forest Programme Facility

Part 7   [454 Kb]

    The FAO-Netherlands Partnership
    Programme: A programme approach
    with budgetary flexibility

    Tsunami reconstruction: Building back better

    The Global Programme for the Prevention and
    Control of Avian Influenza

Part 8   [220 Kb]

    Food security information for action

    Produzir: Small collective enterprises help
    marginalized people generate income

Part 9   [231 Kb]


© FAO 2008