Georgia: Protection of Georgian Wine AppellationsFAO INVESTMENT CENTRE / EBRD





Protection of Georgian Wine Appellations

Compilation of Project Documents - April 2008

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Georgian wine appellations are protected under Georgian and international law, but enforcement of legal arrangements has been weak. In 2005, EBRD asked FAO to help Georgia improve the protection of Georgian wine appellations and commissioned a technical assistance project under the FAO/EBRD Cooperation Programme. The project had two phases over two years: 1) identification of issues leading to counterfeiting of Georgian wines, and 2) recommendations to the Georgian Government to improve the situation and help authorities, in particular, draft new regulations under Georgian law. This publication is a compilation of the inputs prepared by FAO during project implementation. Most of the project outputs were delivered as planned and key Georgian wine sector professionals also gained experience in international practice in the area of appellation protection.

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© FAO 2008