Agricultural Implements Used by Women Farmers in Africa

Agricultural Implements Used
by Women Farmers in Africa

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JAPAN Official Development Assistance
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 2008

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Table of contents

Foreword  [Download pdf 120Kb]
Executive Summary

Chapter 1:   [Download pdf 264Kb]
Main Findings

    Differences Between the Countries Reviewed:
    General Observations
    The Role of Women in Agriculture
    Working Posture
    Draught Animals for Women
    Small Tractors and Other Motorized Equipment
    Women’s Access to Land
    Credit for Women
    The Role of Women’s Groups
    The Institutional Sector
    Ergonomic Studies
    The NGO Sector
    The Commercial and Industrial Sectors
    The Oxen vs. Donkey Debate

Chapter 2:   [Download pdf 348Kb]
What Women and Men Farmers Say

    Women’s Hardest Job
    Differences in the Tools Used by Men and Women
    Replacement of Tools
    Blacksmith – vs. Industrially-Made Tools and Implements
    Who Decides Which Tools to Buy?
    Willingness to Work with Technicians to Develop Better
      Tools and to Pay More for Improved Versions

Chapter 3:   [Download pdf 281Kb]
Conclusions and Recommendations

    Limited Resources Available to Women
    Weeding as Women’s Hardest Job and as a Major
      Constraint to Increased Production
    Lack of Information Flow Between Importers/Producers of Tools
      and Farmers and the General Isolation of the Commercial Sector
    Lack of Training in Animal Traction for Women
    Lack of Research on Women’s Production Technology
    Attempts to Introduce Exogenous Technology

Annex 1:   [Download pdf 125Kb]
Country Case Study
Burkina Faso

Annex 2:   [Download pdf 110Kb]
Country Case Study

Annex 3:   [Download pdf 123Kb]
Country Case Study

Annex 4:   [Download pdf 119Kb]
Country Case Study

Annex 5:   [Download pdf 120Kb]
Country Case Study

Annex 6:   [Download pdf 613Kb]
Photographs and Descriptions of
Tools and Implements

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