Land access in Rural Africa: Strategies to Fight Gender Inequality


FAO-Dimitra workshop:

Information and communication strategies
to fight gender inequality as regards land access
and its consequences for rural populations in Africa

22-26 September 2008 – Brussels, Belgium
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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Dimitra
Rome 2008


In September 2008, the FAO-Dimitra project organised its third workshop with all its partners in Brussels, on the theme: “Information and communication strategies to fight gender inequality as regards land access and its consequences for rural populations in Africa”. This document presents a synthesis of the workshop’s activities as well as the different articles which were prepared for the workshop by the participants – the partners of the network and FAO colleagues.

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Part I

Ten years of the Dimitra network
Aim and key objectives of the workshop
A methodology based on listening and participating
Understanding the past and focusing on the present
Common issues
An inventory of the current situation
Action plan
Example of good practice: South Kivu – Solar-powered radios changing the lives of rural women

Speeches by officials
List of participants

Part II

Written contributions by the participants Dimitra’s partners and FAO representatives:

  1. Rural women and farmland in Niger
  2. A model for supporting the fight for access to land by people living with HIV and/or women who have suffered sexual assault in Walungu, South Kivu
  3. Burundian women still have problems accessing and controlling land and water
  4. Hortivar
  5. Gender inequality in access to land and its consequences for rural people in Katanga province
  6. Information and communication strategies to fight gender inequalities in access to land in Africa: the   Kenyan experience
  7. Inputs Project “Promotion of the use of agricultural inputs by producer organisations”
  8. Women’s access to land in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  9. Project for the Development of Urban and Peri-urban Horticulture (UPH) in Lubumbashi (DRC)
  10. Reflection on gender inequality in access to land and its consequences for rural women in South Kivu
  11. Information and communication strategies to fight gender inequalities in access to land in Africa – The
    case of Uganda
  12. Financial services and rural development
  13. Information and communication strategies to fight gender inequality as regards land access in Africa – Experiences and approaches of FAO’s Land Tenure and Management Unit
  14. Information and communication strategies to fight gender inequalities in access to land in Africa – the
    case of the Democratic Republic of Congo
  15. Reflections on gender inequality in access to land and its effects on rural women in Madagascar
  16. Women’s role in sustainable food production and preserving natural resources, both land and water
  17. Strategies to minimise the impact of women’s lack of access to land in Senegal
  18. Gender relations, rural women and land tenure in Ghana: A communication nightmare
  19. Knowledge management and gender: clarifying the concepts
  20. Gender inequality in access to land and its consequences for rural populations in Rwanda
  21. Gender inequalities in land access in Burkina Faso: a status report