Developing an Asian regional strategy for sustainable smallholder dairy development



Developing an Asian regional strategy for sustainable smallholder dairy development



25-29 February 2008
Chiang Mai, Thailand


"A regional strategy including smallholders requires a deliberate
and creative development vehicle that is sensitive to the impact of
policies, programs and activities to smallholders"


Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Bangkok, 2008


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ISBN 978-92-5-106043-8

© FAO 2008


Cover photos: Brian Dugdill
Edited by Nancy Morgan, Livestock Policy Officer, Regional Office, Bangkok


Acknowledgement: This workshop, the country studies and the publication of the proceedings were funded by the Common Fund for Commodities, the Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific as well as the FAO regional office in Bangkok.



For copies, please contact:

Senior Animal Production and Health Officer
and Secretary of APHCA
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP)
39 Maliwan Mansion, Phra Atit Road
Bangkok 10200, THAILAND
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Table of Contents

Introduction and background to the workshop.
Theme 1: Past experience and learning from successful and unsuccessful smallholder dairying initiatives
 Smallholder dairying in the Asia-Pacific region
 Emerging changes in the Indian dairy industry
 Smallholder dairy development in Viet Nam
 Enterprise-driven dairy: The Philippines smallholder dairy sector
 Competitiveness framework for Asian smallholder dairy development
 Competitive framework exercise: A group session
Theme 2: Dairy markets and the facilitation of smallholder participation along the producerconsumer value chain
 Selected smallholder dairying experiences from Bangladesh and Mongolia
 Dairy development for the resource-poor: Lessons for policy and planning strategies
 Developing dairy institutions
 Changing structure of dairy farming
 Innovative approaches to improve dairy development in Viet Nam
Theme 3: Developing the Asia smallholder dairy development strategy (DDS)
 Strategy design
 Strategy working groups
Theme 4: Developing the Asia smallholder dairy development strategy
Theme 5: Finalising the Asian smallholder dairy development strategy
 Overview and finalisation of workshop outcomes
Closing remarks
 Hans Wagner
 Francesco Gibbi
 Anthony Bennett
 Salvacion Bulatao
Annex 1: Agenda
Annex 2: Opening remarks
Annex 3: A summary of the field trip
Annex 4: List of participants