Environmental Management Tool Kit for Obsolete Pesticides - Vol. 1
FAO Pesticide Disposal Series

Environmental Management Tool Kit
for Obsolete Pesticides

Vol. 1

a. Environmental risk assessment
b. Prioritization of stores
c. Regional prioritization and risk tracking



Download Vol. 1 (886 Kb - 55 pp.)                Download Vol. 2 (1,400 Kb - 59 pp.)

Rome, 2009


The tool kit aims to meet the needs of countries setting out on the long and complex process of managing their obsolete pesticide stocks effectively.

From the outset, one of the key reasons for developing the tools described in this document was to design a system that uses local resources and that is as self-reliant as possible. Tool development was based on a review of various methodologies and the selection of criteria and formats that accurately reflect the decision-making process of experts with expertise in every aspect of managing obsolete pesticides. The resulting set of tools will help relatively inexperienced users to draw the same overall conclusions as would be drawn by specialists with many years of experience in obsolete pesticide projects and environmental assessment. National teams can therefore base their decision-making on outputs that are consistent with the conclusions of external, specialist consultants.

The tool kit is accompanied by a training package that aims to develop national capacity to apply the methodologies described. Following a two-week training session, national teams will be able to complete the entire process of risk assessment and management plan development.

For ease of reference, Volume 1 of the tool kit has been divided into tools A, B and C. Tools A and B outline a methodology for quantifying the risk a store poses to public health and the environment through assessing the potential impacts from the chemicals in the store and from the fabric and location of the store in relation to its general environment. These tools rely on a series of calculations that have been developed specifically for this purpose. The information collected by tools A and B is then used to develop a strategy for prioritizing the affected stores; tool C examines how management teams can use data from tools A and B to plan a project aimed at reducing the overall risk posed by obsolete stocks at the national, provincial or regional level.

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ISBN: 978-92-5-106132-9

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