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FAO FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE PROCEEDINGS 17 The potential of spatial planning
FAO/Rome Expert Workshop |
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ISBN 978-92-5-106478-8
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© FAO 2010
Aguilar-Manjarrez, J.; Kapetsky, J.M.; Soto, D. |
Abstract Attention is presently turning to the processes, methods and tools that allow practical implementation of the ecosystem approach to aquaculture (EAA).This will require the use of various tools and methodologies, including environmental impact assessments and risk analysis. Ecosystem-based management involves a transition from traditional sector-by-sector planning and decision-making to the more holistic approach of integrated natural resource management at different scales and for ecosystems that cross administrative boundaries. An essential element for the implementation of the EAA will be the use of spatial planning tools including Geographic Information Systems, remote sensing and mapping for data management, analysis, modelling and decision-making. These proceedings focus on the status and process of implementing these tools which, in turn, necessitate the development of capacity building, training and promotion of spatial planning among decision-makers and technical staff. The document is organized in two parts. The first, the workshop report, deals with the background of the EAA effort and the genesis of the workshop. Most importantly, it captures the salient contributions of participants from their formal presentations and general discussions. The main conclusions of a review of the status and potential of spatial planning tools, decisionmaking and modelling in implementing the EAA are also included. The review itself, along with an abstract, forms the second part. |
Preparation of this document
Genesis of the workshop
Workshop overview and findings
Workshop recommendations and the potential role of FAO
Annex 1 – Agenda
Annex 2 – List of participants
Status and potential of spatial planning tools, decision-making and modelling in implementing the ecosystem approach to aquaculture
James McDaid Kapetsky, José Aguilar-Manjarrez and Doris Soto
List of tables
List of boxes
List of figures
Acronyms and abbreviations
1. Introduction
1.1 Objectives and overview
1.2 Scope and methodology
1.3 Approach
2. What is the ecosystem approach to aquaculture?
2.1 Background to the ecosystem approach to aquaculture
2.2 Conventional aquaculture management and the ecosystem approach
2.3 The EAA planning and implementation process
2.4 Spatial scales
2.5 EAA issues and the relevance of geographic information tools
3. Spatially defined global ecosystems, their issues and their relevance to the ecosystem approach to aquaculture
3.1 Ecosystems including both land and water
3.2 Aquatic ecosystems
3.3 Terrestrial ecosystems
3.4 Summary and conclusions
4. Spatial data to support the ecosystem approach to aquaculture
4.1 Earth browsers
4.2 Portals
4.3 General data sources
4.4 Specialized data sources
4.5 Summary and conclusions
5. The geography of aquaculture in relation to environments and potential impacts
5.1 Introduction, objectives and overview
5.2 Importance of aquaculture by total production
5.3 Importance of aquaculture by environment
5.4 Impacts of aquaculture in marine and brackishwater environments based on annual production
5.5 Impacts of aquaculture on marine and brackishwater environments based on annual production and length of shoreline
5.6 Potential impacts of aquaculture use on freshwater environments based on production by country
5.7 Potential impacts of aquaculture use on the freshwater environment based on production by country
5.8 Comparisons of the use of ecosystems by aquaculture among countries
5.9 Potential environmental impacts on aquaculture based on ecosystem vitality
5.10 Environmental impacts on aquaculture in relation to the intensity of aquaculture production
5.11 Summary and conclusions
6. Current status of GIS, remote sensing and mapping applications in aquaculture from an ecosystem viewpoint
6.1 GIS, remote sensing and mapping applications related to aquaculture
6.2 An assessment of GIS, remote sensing and mapping applications to aquaculture as they relate to scales and ecosystems
6.3 Summary and conclusions
7. GIS-based decision support tools and modelling for aquaculture development
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Implementing
7.3 Modelling
7.4 Decision support tools
7.5 Summary, discussion and conclusions
8. Case studies of GIS, remote sensing and mapping applications in aquaculture in relation to EAA implementation
8.1 The relevance of GIS capabilities to EAA principles
8.2 The relationship of spatial analyses to support EAA principles
8.3 Case studies of GIS, remote sensing and mapping applications in aquaculture in relation to EAA principles and scales
8.4 Case studies for spatial decision support
8.5 Summary and conclusions
9. Capacities to implement the ecosystem approach to aquaculture
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Aquaculture GIS applications by country
9.3 Access to the internet as a measure of capacity for spatial analyses
in support of the EAA
9.4 Synergies between the ecosystem approach to aquaculture
and the ecosystem approach to fisheries, and with other sectors
9.5 Summary and conclusions
10. Advancing the use of spatial planning tools to support the EAA
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Future activities to implement spatial planning tools in support of the EAA
11. Glossary
12. References