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FAO Aquaculture Newsletter No. 35Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service Fisheries Department
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© FAO 2010
FAN 35 (Download 56 kb)
Editorial (Download 84 kb)
Contents (Download 536 kb)
The Committee on Fisheries Sub-Committee
on Aquaculture (Download 370 kb)
Is Aquaculture at its Turning Point? (Download 361 kb)
Aquaculture Stock Insurance:
A Short Summary of the Current Status (Download 152 kb)
Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for
Responsible Aquatic Resource Management (Download 473 kb)
Application of Risk Analysis in Aquaculture (Download 601 kb)
FAO Fisheries Library: Part of a Worlwide Network (Download 385 kb)
FAO Glossary of Aquaculture (Download 585 kb)
Highlights from the FAO Database on Aquaculture Statistics (Download 361 kb)
The FAO Aquaculture Gateway Page (Download 289 kb)
Workshops on Managing Aquatic Genetic Resources
in Fisheries and Aquaculture (Download 327 kb)
Expert Workshop on Comparative Environmental Costs
of Aquaculture and Other Food Production Systems (Download 702 kb)
Microfinance and Inland Capture Fisheries in ASIA (Download 308 kb)
International Symposium on the MAHSEER 2006 (Download 326 kb)
FAO Expert Workshop on the Use of Feed and Fertilizer
for Sustainable Aquaculture Development (Download 311 kb)
SAMOA receives Giant Clam Broodstock from TONGA (Download 666 kb)
TCP/RAS/3101 (A): Sustainable Aquaculture Development in Pacific Micronesia (Download 641 kb)
Contributing to Sustainable Aquaculture in Latin America
through Technical Cooperation Projects (TCPS) in Brazil and Chile (Download 336 kb)
Introduction of Aquaculture and other Integrated Production
Management Practices to Rice Farmers in Guyana and Suriname (Download 385 kb)
FAO GFCM Meeting Highlights Growing Profile of
Mediterranean Aquaculture (Download 686 kb)
New FAO Publications (Download 464 kb)