Strengthening potato value chains




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Rome, 2010

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ISBN 978-92-5-106627-0

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Table of contents

Part I   [3.180kb]

Foreword by FAO: The International Year of the Potato
Foreword by CFC: Potato and Commodity Development
Introduction: The role of the potato in developing country food systems

Part II   [2.564kb]

SECTION 1: Adding value: Structure, coordination and support of links in the chain

Value chain theory and application
The potato value chain in West Africa
The potato value chain in sub-Saharan Africa with case study on Eastern Africa
The potato value chain in Bhutan
Constraints of potato seed production in developing countries
Terminal markets as the fundamental driver for seed potato
Post-harvest research to respond to constraints in the potato value chain: the experience of Papa Andina, Peru
Potato system diagnosis in East Africa: An innovation system analysis
Linking potato farmers with markets in Indonesia through participatory market chain approach
The role of the Common Fund for Commodities in supporting potato in developing countries
The role of FAO in supporting potato in developing countries
What policy-makers can do to strengthen the potato value chain: sharing Bhutanese experiences
The international value chain: Exporting potato seed to developing countries
Potato developments: The Dutch experience

Part III   [181kb]

SECTION 2: The way forward: Mechanisms and recommendations for producers and policy-makers

Potato in the Global Economy
Synthesizing key issues and recommendations for producers and policy-makers

© FAO and CFC, 2010