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FAO Forestry Paper 162What woodfuels can do to mitigate climate changeFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome 2010 |
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ISBN 978-92-5-106653-9
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© FAO 2010
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Acronyms and units of measurement
(Download - 222 KB)
1. Introduction and overview (Download - 91 KB)
Distribution of biomass use
Traditional biomass use
The role of modern bioenergy
Objectives and structure of this report
Woodfuels included in this report
Accounting units and conversion
2. Forest resources and woody biomass (Download - 188 KB)
Forested area
Wood products
Planted forests
Woodfuel use
Charcoal use
3. National, regional and global markets for woodfuels (Download - 90 KB)
European Union
Other Europe and the Russian Federation
North America
South America
Sub-Saharan Africa
4. Future trends in energy, climate and woodfuel use (Download - 184 KB)
Historical energy trends
Projections of energy supply and demand to 2030
Global CO2 emissions
Energy and electricity access
Woodfuel consumption
5. Climate change mitigation potential of woodfuels (Download - 268 KB)
Costs of bioenergy systems
Greenhouse gas impacts, land use and carbon sequestration
Biomass-based electricity generation
Biomass co-firing
Biomass substitution at steel plants
Improved charcoal production options
Traditional biomass: improved cooking stoves
Conservation and woodfuel mitigation actions
6. Socio-economic impacts (Download - 59 KB)
7. Environmental impacts (Download - 187 KB)
8. Sustainability certification (Download - 60 KB)
9. Carbon finance for woodfuels (Download - 321 KB)
10. Research, development, demonstration and deployment (Download - 72 KB)
11. Conclusions (Download - 188 KB)
Bibliography (Download - 215 KB)