Guidance on how to address rural employment and decent work concerns in FAO country activities


Guidance on how to address
decent rural employment
in FAO country activities

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Rome, 2010


Since the adoption by the World Summit for Social Development in 1995 of the goal to establish a people-centred framework for social development, there has been an increasing recognition at the international policy level of the importance of employment promotion for sustainable development. The Decent Work Agenda developed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 1999 and subsequently adopted by the United Nations (UN) System has better refined this goal – underscoring that both the quantity and the quality of employment are essential for human well-being.

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Table of Contents

Part 1   [294Kb]
Part 2    [181Kb]

1  Rural employment and decent work

    1.1  Rural employment
    1.2  Rural employment and the achievement of the Millennium
           Development Goals
    1.3  The Decent Work Agenda and the challenges of addressing
           decent work in rural areas
    1.4  FAO’s role and comparative advantages in promoting rural
           employment and decent work
    1.5  FAO Self-assessment results
Part 3   [1.1Mb]

2  Guidance on how to address rural employment
    and decent work at the country level

    2.1  Entry points for FAO country offices to address rural employment
           and decent work
    2.2  Concrete actions and tools to address rural employment
           and decent work at country level

Part 4   [573Kb]

Annex 1: Rural Focal Points, ILO
Annex 2: Acronyms
Annex 3: Additional references and websites

© FAO 2010