Processing of fresh-cut tropical fruits and vegetables: A technical guide


Processing of fresh-cut tropical fruits and vegetables:
A technical guide

Authors: Jennylynd B. James and Tipvanna Ngarmsak

Technical editor: Rosa S. Rolle

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok 2011


There has been a marked upward trend in production and consumption of fruits and vegetables in Asia and the Pacific in recent years. Along with rising consumer demand has come greater awareness of food safety issues and increased need for convenience and quality. Selection of high quality horticultural produce for processing and implementation of good practices during processing operations are required to assure both the quality of the produce and the safety of the final product. This technical guide reviews, from a theoretical and practical perspective, the critical issues that must be addressed for fresh-cut produce to meet consumer demand for convenience, quality and safety. A case study on fresh-cut processing in Thailand is included. The guide should be of practical value to small processors, trainers and extension workers who provide support to individuals engaged in production of fresh-cut tropical produce for sale.

Table of Contents

List of plates and figures
List of figures
Abbreviations and acronyms
Chapter I: Fresh-cut products and their market trends
Chapter II: Tropical horticultural produce
Chapter III: Fresh produce quality and safety
Chapter IV: Fresh-cut processing: physiological and microbiological impacts
Chapter V: Strategies for minimizing quality loss and assuring safety during fresh-cut processing
Chapter VI: Practical aspects of fresh-cut processing
Chapter VII: Equipment requirements for fresh-cut processing
Chapter VIII: Traceability of fresh-cut products
Chapter IX: Layout and maintenance of a fresh-cut processing facility
Chapter X: Emerging and growing concerns of the fresh-cut produce industry
Chapter XI: Processing and packaging of tropical fresh-cut fruits and vegetables in Thailand

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ISBN 978-92-5-106712-3

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For copies write to: Rosa S. Rolle
FAO Regional office for Asia and the Pacific
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