Training manual on good agricultural governance. A resource guide focused on smallholder crop production


Training manual on good agricultural governance. A resource guide focused on smallholder crop production

by Subash Dasgupta and Indrajit Roy

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok 2011


Good governance is a concept that is difficult to realize in its totality even in countries with strong institutions and an entrenched culture of democratic governance backed by sound political systems. It remains more an ideal to which countries strive by focusing efforts on bridging the gap between what is achievable and where they are now. The task is particularly daunting for developing countries with fragile institutions, weak regulatory frameworks and inadequate administrative capacities. In recognition of this challenge, this resource guide was prepared to promote good governance in the context of crop agriculture in countries of the Asia-Pacific region. It is targeted at training senior level public officials in the agricultural sector and elected representatives responsible for the management of their country’s agriculture and rural development sectors. Other target audiences include managers of non-governmental and civil society organizations, producer organizations and the private sector. The resource guide covers governance for the agricultural sector, principles of good governance, and agricultural governance in the context of sustainable intensification of smallholder crop production, sustainable crop diversification, seed supply and plant genetic resource management, access to inputs and improved production technology, and food safety. The publication also examines issues of governance relating to corruption and enforcement of rights. Group exercises for training facilitators are provided in the Annexes.

Table of Contents

Abbreviations and acronyms
Chapter 1: What is governance?
Chapter 2: Principles of good governance
Chapter 3: Agricultural governance in the context of
    sustainable intensification of smallholder crop production
Chapter 4: Agricultural governance in the context of
    sustainable crop diversification
Chapter 5: Agricultural governance: Seed supply system and
    and plant genetic resource management
Chapter 6: Agricultural governance – Access to inputs
    (other than seed) and improved production technology for
    sustainable crop production
Chapter 7: Agricultural governance – Improving food safety
Chapter 8: Improvement of governance – Control of corruption
Chapter 9: Improvement of governance – Enforcement
    of rights
    Group exercise: Objectives and method
    Worksheet for group exercise: Modules 1-9

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ISBN 978-92-5-106991-2

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For copies write to:Subash Dasgupta
Senior Plant Production Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Maliwan Mansion, 39 Phra Atit Road
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
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