Review of the state
of world marine
fishery resources

FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 569

Review of the state
of world marine fishery resources

Fisheries and Aquaculture, Policy and Economics Division
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
Rome, Italy

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2011


Marine fisheries are very important to the economy and well-being of coastal communities. Maintaining the long-term prosperity and sustainability of marine fisheries is not only of political and social significance but also of economic and ecological importance. This review presents an updated assessment of the current status of the world’s marine fishery resources. Its aim is to provide the FAO Committee on Fisheries, policy-makers, civil society, fishers and managers of world fishery resources with a comprehensive, objective and global review of the state of the living marine resources of the oceans. The review was based mainly on official catch statistics up until 2009 and relevant stock assessment and other complementary information available until 2010. This review consists of four major components. The first is a global overview of marine fishery production and the state of marine fish resources. The second part is divided into chapters that summarize and compile the information available for each FAO major fishing area, together with a discussion of the major trends and changes that have occurred with the main fishery resources exploited in each area and comments on the stock assessment work undertaken in support of fisheries management in each region. The third section is allocated to special topics that attract great attention in the international community, including tuna and tuna-like species, sharks, the Pacific islands region, deep-sea fisheries, and fisheries and long-term climate variability. The final part lists all the tables that provide details about historical and recent catches for the major marine resources and, where possible, assessments of the most current state of exploitation of fish stocks.

FAO Review of the state of world marine fishery resources. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 569. Rome, FAO. 2011. 334 pp.

Table of Contents

Preparation of this document
List of figures, tables and boxes
Abbreviations and acronyms

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Part A – Global overview
Global overview of marine fishery resources

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Part B – Regional reviews B1. Northwest Atlantic – FAO Statistical Area
B2. Northeast Atlantic – FAO Statistical Area
B3. Western Central Atlantic – FAO Statistical Area
B4. Eastern Central Atlantic – FAO Statistical Area
B5. Mediterranean and Black Sea – FAO Statistical Area
B6. Southwest Atlantic – FAO Statistical Area
B7. Southeast Atlantic – FAO Statistical Area
B8. Western Indian Ocean – FAO Statistical Area
B9. Eastern Indian Ocean – FAO Statistical Area
B10. Northwest Pacific – FAO Statistical Area
B11. Northeast Pacific – FAO Statistical Area
B12. Western Central Pacific – FAO Statistical Area
B13. Eastern Central Pacific – FAO Statistical Area
B14. Southwest Pacific – FAO Statistical Area
B15. Southeast Pacific – FAO Statistical Area
B16. Southern Ocean – FAO Statistical Areas


Part C – Special topics


Part D – Marine resources tables


Appendix – Assessment methodology

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ISBN 978-92-5-107023-9

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