A complete set of fact sheets on FAO’s Success Stories and Focus Areas    

A complete set of fact sheets
on FAO’s Success Stories and
Focus Areas

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2012

Table of Contents

Impact Brochure


IMPACT: Turning knowledge into action


FAO Focus areas


Transboundary threats to production, health and environment – prevention is key


Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries


Preventing the Global food crises


Sustainable forest management


Scarcity of Water and Land Resources


Global Standard setting and implementation into national policies and legislation


Capacity Development for Information and Statistics


Success stories


Sounding early warning of food market crises


Weighing pros and cons of biofuels on food security


Research vessel promotes ecosystem approach


Building an irrigation lifeline in Ecuadorian Andes


Controlling foot-and-mouth disease in Eurasia


Partnering through farmer field school facilities


Congolese fighters become fishers


Farmers benefit from forest privatization in China


Forest users reverse Mongolian deforestation


Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides


Blending tradition and science to protect pollinators


Providing better agricultural statistics to inform policy


© FAO 2012